Location: Central Library, Conference Room
Date: Monday, January 6, 2020
Time: 8:25PM.

Trustees Present: Anita Forte-Scott, President; Jillian Bernas, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Erin Flannigan-Davies; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart

Trustees Absent: None

Vote on Closing Meeting:

Aye: 7

No: 0

Non-Trustees Present: Annie Miskewitch, Executive Director

Applicable Statute Section(s): Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees– Section 2(c), (1)

Security Procedures—Section 2(c), (8)

Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf the Library has been filed or is pending – Section 2(c), (11)

Subject Matter: Review of patron complaint about treatment of staff and subsequent exclusion from the Schaumburg Township District Library and security procedures. Discussion of recommendation of Library response to patron exclusion. Additional discussion of legal action regarding another patron excluded on August 16, 2019.