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Movies & Music
Instantly stream or download videos (movies and TV shows), music, eAudiobooks, eBooks and comics. Limit of 20 borrows per month. Download the Hoopla app for access on your device. Get help with Hoopla.
Stream documentaries, classic movies and indie films. Limit of 10 plays per month. Download the Kanopy app for access on your device. Get help with Kanopy.
Just for Kids
Kanopy Kids
For children ages 2 and up with a focus on ages 2 - 8, Kanopy Kids offers a diverse selection of educational and entertaining content, including movies, TV series, animated storybooks, live action features and animated favorites. Stream on your computer, TV or mobile device using supported mobile and TV apps.
Stream engaging, interactive and educational shows for kids ages 2 to 8. One borrow gets you unlimited viewing for 7 days. You must download the Hellosaurus iOS or Android app to your mobile device to play this content. No signup needed.
eMagazines & eNewspapers
eMagazines via Libby
Read eMagazines, including popular titles like Newsweek and US Weekly. Download the easy-to-use Libby app for access on your device.
eMagazines via Hoopla
Check out a Binge Pass through Hoopla for access to eMagazines like Cosmopolitan, Men's Health and Popular Mechanics. Read as many magazines as you'd like during the 7-day checkout period – there's no limit!
A digital newsstand with popular newspapers and magazines from around the world, including The Guardian, The Economist, and Newsweek.
Daily Herald
Read the daily paper as it appears on newsstands with full-color images, available back to February 2021. Find full-text articles from 1995 through the present.
Chicago Sun-Times
Read the daily paper as it appears on newsstands with full-color images, available back to 2018. Find full-text articles from 1986 through the present.
New York Times ( All Access)
Full, unlimited access to the New York Times website and digitized archives back to 1851. Sections include News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter and The Athletic. From at home, click the link above to redeem a code to activate a 24-hour subscription and create an account. When the subscription runs out, come back to the Library's website and click the link again to extend it. From within the Library, click here to access the New York Times directly and create an account.
Wall Street Journal ( access)
Full, unlimited access to the Wall Street Journal website. Activate a three-day subscription and create an account. When the subscription runs out, come back to the Library's website to extend it. Access to the WSJ app and WSJ+ are not included.