Monday, May 18, 2020
Virtual Meeting Via Zoom
7:00 p.m.




Anita Forte-Scott, President; Jillian Bernas, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Erin Flannigan-Davies; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart




Araha Uday


Victoria Akinde, Claudia Baranowski, Allison Bies, Lori Bies, Amber Creger, Emily Gilbert, Janet Glatzhofer, Scott Harrod, iPhone, Jenny, JLR614, Blake Kindl, me, Annie Miskewitch, John Morgan, Kate’s iPhone, Kathy Morgan, Rachel Newlin, Kate Niehoff, Risha Patel, Ina Piravano, Poop, Jason Santos, Kathryn Schuessler, Gretchen Schulz, Tammy Sekulich, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Jeremy Slayton, Bobbi Sloan, STDL’s iPad, Holly Stechly, Stephanie, Sarah Strzalka, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Annie Tillmann, Gail Tobin, Beth Valenziano, Vickie


Patron Emily Gilbert expressed her support of recent change to becoming fine free library and the temporary digital access to students of school District 54 and District 211.

Patron Bobbi Sloan noted some challenges in joining the board meeting via Zoom.

Public question regarding availability of Reference Desk to answer questions.

Public comment regarding reopening plans, noting that businesses can set their own reopening dates and don’t have to follow the governor’s plan exactly.


Treasurer Seyring noted she received a kind note from a staff member, expressing her thanks for extending pay and benefits.

Trustee Jonen had no comments.

Vice-President Bernas mentioned that the Schaumburg Township Mental Health Committee was excited to hear the Library is now fine free, which will be a great benefit for any individuals. She also asked about leading the pledge in these virtual Zoom meetings even though we are in varied spaces and don’t have a flag present.

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart thanked Executive Director Miskewitch for the renovation tour video and renovation budget recap. She urged fellow Trustees to be prudent with finances as we enter the new budget year, and be aware of options to ease tax burden for residents.

Trustee Hyman also appreciated the renovation video.

Trustee Flannigan-Davies attended ILA webinars for Trustees regarding strategic planning and COVID-19 update and found both to be informative and helpful.

RAILS - Ms. Hyman

Trustee Hyman read a RAILS website article about available resources for discounts on e-content during the pandemic. RAILS is also looking into supplying PPE for library workers, which could be an option in the future. She will share this information with all Trustees.


Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Vice-President Bernas seconded that:

The April 20, 2020, Regular Board Meeting Minutes be approved.

Discussion included corrections of typos and additional clarifications.

Roll Call Vote:

Ms. Bernas Yes

Mrs. Seyring Yes

Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes

Mr. Jonen Yes

Ms. Hyman Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes

The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Jonen moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded that:

The Library Board approved the April 2020 Bill List.

Roll Call Vote:

Ms. Bernas Yes

Mrs. Seyring Yes

Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes

Mr. Jonen Yes

Ms. Hyman Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes

The motion passed unanimously.


The Student Advisory Trustees do not have a report as the COVID-19 situation has created challenges, but they have noted they are appreciative of all of the Library’s digital resources and continue to promote using the Library to classmates and teachers.

No Plan of Service report this month as it will be postponed until next month.

Addition to Unfinished Business of ongoing discussion of possible compensation for all employees for the month of June as the Library implements a reopening procedure with limited operational hours, including payroll for staff unable to work previously scheduled hours.


Trustee Hyman reviewed the written report she and President Forte-Scott submitted, explaining the rationale for their recommendations. Nominations include Anita Forte-Scott for President, Julie Wroblewski Bosshart for Vice President and David Jonen for Treasurer.

Discussion included expectations for those in understudy and support roles.


President Forte-Scott commended the Trustees for their diligence and patience at this time. She thanked Executive Director Miskewitch for her work, communication and leadership throughout the pandemic. Ms. Forte Scott was on-site at the Central Library to view the renovation and noted how the project has been expedited, where possible, due to the building being closed to the public.

Discussion included updating the message on the main Library phone number to give more direction to callers.


Executive Director Miskewitch extended her thanks to the staff who are working behind the scenes, especially staff working to assist in the renovation.

Ms. Miskewitch reviewed her written report, including an overview of statistics. There is an increase in electronic resources and one-on-one phone interactions to patrons who traditionally receive personal visits. She called attention to the specific programming report to showcase the virtual programs that are happening.

Executive Director Miskewitch noted she meets regularly with the management team to discuss reopening plans. This includes the launch of a curbside service in June, how best to quarantine items and some behind-the-scenes projects like inventory for staff to complete before the building is reopened to the public. These plans include structured, staggered staff schedules to minimize contact. At most, staff would have 50% of their normal hours.

Planning for quarantining returned items includes rented pods that would store the materials for seven days, with limited book-drop return hours to manage the return numbers. The pods would be sanitized before new returned items would be placed in them. The library has currently 70,000-80,000 items checked out, with the possibility of more past items being returned after house cleanings and with the Library now fine free.

Discussion included appropriate, legal decision-making in regards to staff returning to the building if they suffer from health issues.

Executive Director gave further details on accepting returned items and appropriate quarantine of these items.

Ms. Miskewitch also reviewed reopening plans, which includes accepting returns June 1 and beginning curbside in early June. There is not yet a set time for Phase 2, which would include a limited opening to the public. Trustees noted that our plans do not need to align exactly with the governor’s reopening plan. The Library can use that as a guide, but then make decisions based on what’s best for our organization. Executive Director Miskewitch noted that while no specific dates are known, we will proceed cautiously before moving to a new phase in the plan to ensure public safety.

Additional discussion included the printing and mailing of the traditional guides in coming months, and what they may look like with no planned in-person programming, only virtual.

Ms. Miskewitch noted that she continues to consider the best ways to move forward in hiring the Deputy Director position. It’s a critical position, but challenging to move the interview process forward with the given circumstances.


Digital Services – Sarah Strzalka

Content Strategy Librarian Sarah Strzalka gave an overview of the digital services department’s responsibilities. She reviewed the written report, highlighting trends in digital resources throughout the pandemic. An important, recent initiative was expanding the Library’s boundaries to allow residents from District 54 and District 211 to get online Library cards to access our digital resources while under stay-at-home order. Ms. Strzalka also noted some big accomplishments from the past year, including launching four new online services, switching web hosts, adding online payments to the website and creating new reporting tools.

Discussion included promotion of digital resources during pandemic and understanding eBook budgets and statistics.


Treasurer Seyring gave updates on the general fund and building equipment fund balances. She noted the working cash fund reflects only investment market change activity. Property tax receipts in April comprised the majority of income for the month. Program refunds have already been processed for canceled programs. She noted how the closure for COVID-19 has impacted material purchasing and how these changes and shifts to digital resources are likely to continue into the future. Administrative costs have increased with PPE costs for staff and sanitization supplies for the anticipated buildings reopening. Ms. Seyring noted our portfolio may fluctuate a bit but is very stable overall.

Treasurer Seyring and Finance Director Valenziano discussed options should the second installment of property taxes be delayed.

Finance Director Valenziano continues to monitor year-end figures to determine how favorable finances will be due to underspending during closure.


Compensation for the month of June for all employees as we implement re-opening procedures with curbside delivery with limited service and operational hours.

Executive Director Miskewitch noted a return-to-work will be given to staff for June 1, 2020 with attention given to safety of all staff members. Operations will still be in a limited capacity, meaning staff will not be able to match their regular work schedule. With June being a month to test and determine new service hours and staffing needs, the board may consider compensating staff for hours worked, and matching pay for hours that are not available for work.

Discussion included clarification that if staff are furloughed, underemployed or file for unemployment, the Library would have to pay these wages at a later date in the form of fees from Illinois Department of Employment Services. Additionally, part time staff may file for underemployment or unemployment even if they hold another job. Providing a supplement minimizes our exposure to unemployment costs.

Staffing and scheduling are still being determined to understand just how many shifts and hours are available, and to create teams to minimize exposure to other individuals—also allowing for quarantine if need be. A controlled environment could hopefully also limit the chance of a building re-closure and moving back a phase in the future.

Trustees noted that wages were budgeted for staff for June, but that this is the final month of the 2019/20 fiscal year. Trustees emphasized that they want to see staff returning to work and prefer not to pay for no work happening.

It was made clear this would not be an additional amount over what staff is regularly paid but keeping staff wages at the same rate that they have been at in April and May. Executive Director Miskewitch and Human Resources Director Schuessler still need to determine protocol for staff who choose not to return to work, including use of benefit time, other leave options and other options for staff.

Trustees opted to entertain a motion and vote at the May 21, 2020, board budget meeting so staff have more time to answer questions and Trustees feel confident in appropriate protocol and language for the motion.


Approval of Waiver of Bid to EBSCO for sole source article database package in the amount of $35,790.00

Trustee Hyman moved and Vice-President Bernas seconded the approval of Waiver of Bid to EBSCO for sole source article database package in the amount of $35,790.00.

Discussion included clarification that this is an annual renewal covering multiple databases.

Roll Call Vote:

Ms. Bernas Yes

Mrs. Seyring Yes

Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes

Mr. Jonen Yes

Ms. Hyman Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Waiver of Bid to NewsBank for sole source online research databases in the amount of $45,295.00

Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustees Hyman seconded the approval of Waiver of Bid to NewsBank for sole source online research databases in the amount of $45,295.00.

Discussion included clarification that this is an annual renewal for a database used heavily by genealogy enthusiasts.

Roll Call Vote:

Ms. Bernas Yes

Mrs. Seyring Yes

Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes

Mr. Jonen Yes

Ms. Hyman Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Waiver of Bid for the emergency purchase of D-Tech’s holdIT Self Service Reservation System with Screen Module - 39 Locker Unit in the amount of $31,380.00

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of Waiver of Bid for the emergency purchase of D-Tech’s holdIT Self Service Reservation System w/ Screen Module - 39 Locker Unit in the amount of $31,380.00.

Discussion included a brief presentation from IT Director Jason Santos to explain the system and how this could be a contactless point of service, available on-demand, 24-7, outside of the Library building.

Roll Call Vote:

Ms. Bernas Yes

Mrs. Seyring Yes

Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes

Mr. Jonen Yes

Ms. Hyman Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes

The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Hyman moved and Vice-President Bernas seconded that:

The Library Board adjourn at 10:00 P.M.

Roll Call Vote:

Ms. Bernas Yes

Mrs. Seyring Yes

Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes

Mr. Jonen Yes

Ms. Hyman Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes

The motion passed unanimously.