LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Monday, April 20, 2020 Virtual Meeting Via Zoom 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL
Anita Forte-Scott, President; Jillian Bernas, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Erin Flannigan-Davies; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart
Alisa Gandhi, Araha Uday
Victoria Akinde, Monica Boyer, Amber Creger, John Ericson, Emily Gilbert, Blake Kindl, Kathy Morgan, Kate Niehoff, Jason Santos, Kathy Schuessler, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Jeremy Slayton, Sarah Strzalka, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Annie Tillmann, Gail Tobin, Beth Valenziano, Kate, Moops, Rob, JP, JS, YB, (224) 388-9625, (630) 462-0724
Sent via email: Patron Kathy Hagstom expressed her thanks and praise to the storytime librarians. The online storytimes have helped bring a sense of “normal” to her daughter’s days.
Trustee Hyman hopes staff are well and taking care of themselves. She wants to remind Library staff that the Board is here to support all Library staff.
Treasurer Seyring appreciates the work of Executive Director Miskewitch and the entire Library staff. She especially appreciates the ongoing communication with board, staff and patrons. She appreciates Board President Forte-Scott’s leadership during this time.
Vice-President Bernas agrees that she’s had plenty of information to feel up-to-date and able to make decisions.
Trustee Wrobleski Bosshart echoed the other trustees’ comments and appreciates all the resources to read and be informed about the current state of the Library and libraries in general.
Trustee Flannigan-Davies commends Executive Director Miskewitch, Board President Forte-Scott and Finance Director Valenziano for all the information they have shared over the last month. She was able to watch the RAILS update and feels a main takeaway is understanding the safe handling of materials.
Trustee Jonen thanked the staff for doing an outstanding job while the buildings are closed. He also appreciates Executive Director Miskewitch’s recommendation to extend digital resources to students of Districts 54 and 211 who live slightly outside of the Library’s service area.
RAILS - Ms. Hyman
Trustee Hyman was able to watch part of the RAILS member update earlier this month. She will finish watching to learn more about how other libraries are planning and preparing to reopening.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Trustee Flannigan-Davies seconded that:
The March 9, 2020, Regular Board Meeting Minutes be approved.
Discussion included corrections of typos and additional clarifications.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Wrobleski Bosshart moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that:
The Library Board approved the March 2020 Bill List.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Two items have been added to the agenda, seeking discussion and approval at this meeting: approval of a 4-week extension of full compensation and benefits for regularly scheduled, budgeted hours for all Library staff; and approval of a temporary lift on non-resident access to obtain online Library cards within our service boundaries to utilize online resources and materials until September 1, 2020. This is to specifically assist students in D54 and D211.
President Forte-Scott thanks the trustees for their kind words. She’s been working closely with Executive Director Miskewitch throughout this process to make the best decisions for staff and patrons. She notes that the Library continues to take everything one day at a time to better understand circumstances and make appropriate preparations to reopen.
Executive Director Miskewitch expressed her thanks to the management team and entire staff for their work and commitment to service throughout this crisis situation.
Statistics in her written report reflect the cancelation of programs and visits that occurred in mid-March. Even before we took these actions, we noticed slower traffic in our buildings. After closing, we started monitoring different statistics to better understand who was using our services and how they were using them.
Communication about COVID-19 began with staff as early as February 19, 2020. To increase access to our resources, we lifted restrictions on expired, barred and blocked cards. We extended wifi to our parking lots to give patrons a free internet access point. These early actions have made a very positive impact.
The management team meets three times each week to remain in close contact, and to work and plan together.
Maintenance staff and Building Operation Manager Kindl are on-site to manage general operations of the facilities and the renovation. Administrative staff are coming to the business office to process payroll and payables.
All of the demolition work of the renovation is complete as contractors take advantage of the empty building.
Reopening plans are in discussion with the management team, but nothing is formalized or finalized yet. The team is planning for a variety of scenarios and prepping where possible.
Discussion included response to and communication of online programs, and a suggestion to update the phone number listed on the website with a number we’re currently answering.
Hoffman Estates Branch – John Ericson
Hoffman Estates Branch Manager John Ericson passed on thanks from the Hoffman Estates Branch staff for the support of the board. He reviewed his written report, noting that the branch continues to be a strong presence in the Hoffman Estates community.
Discussion included anticipated changes to the summer meal programs held at both branches and how branches are mirroring current efforts of Central Library.
Treasurer Seyring gave updates on the general fund and building equipment fund balances. She noted the working cash fund reflects only investment market change activity. She reviewed the income statement, noting programming revenues are likely to fall below budget due to cancelations and refunds. Ms. Seyring discussed the department summary report and balance sheet, calling specific attention to changes due to the closure and renovation. Ms. Seyring noted that working cash is higher than normal as investments are being evaluated.
Discussion included questions regarding state grant funds and if they might be impacted by COVID-19 crisis, and understanding changes or delays in receiving tax revenues.
Review and approval of FMLA Leave Expansion and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Policy Due to COVID-19
Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of FMLA Leave Expansion and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Policy Due to COVID-19.
Discussion included clarification from Executive Director Miskewitch and Human Resources Director Schuessler of the new law and what this policy covers.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Proposed Tax Levy and Appropriation Calendar for FY 20/21
Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Hyman seconded the approval of Proposed Tax Levy and Appropriation Calendar for FY 20/21.
Discussion included whether or not the budget meetings would be held via Zoom. This will be determined closer to the meeting dates.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Fund Balance Policy
Treasurer Seyring moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of Fund Balance Policy.
Discussion included confirmation that this policy was reviewed by our lawyers and clarification of some of the wording of the policy.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Investment Policy
Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded the approval of Investment Policy.
Discussion included clarification of some details of the policy and correcting typos.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Purchasing Policy
Trustee Hyman moved and Vice-President Bernas seconded the approval of Purchasing Policy.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Recording of Interest Policy
Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded the approval of Recording of Interest Policy.
Discussion included that this policy is now included in the revenue policy and this language will appear again when that policy is reviewed.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Borrowing Library Materials Policy.
Trustee Jonen moved and Trustee Hyman seconded the approval of Borrowing Library Materials Policy.
Discussion included clarification that these changes are in support of going fine free, clarification of interlibrary loan rules and understanding the process of being fine free and getting materials back.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of 4-week Extension of Full Compensation and Benefits for Regularly Scheduled, Budgeted Hours for all Library Staff
Treasurer Seyring moved and Trustees Hyman and Flannigan-Davies seconded the approval of a 4-week Extension of Full Compensation and Benefits for Regularly Scheduled, Budgeted Hours for all Library Staff.
Discussion included a review of this change by Executive Director Miskewitch, including that this would be in effect if the Governor extends the stay-at-home order past April 30, 2020. Ms. Miskewitch noted other area libraries have board support for similar staff compensation. If we were to furlough employees, we would have to reimburse the state for those funds. Also to note, the CARES Act of the $600.00 weekly stipend for those on unemployment would not fall on us as the employer. Additionally, trustees noted that this is an investment in our reopening by not having to train new staff and keeping morale up. Additionally, trustees clarified this would go into effect beginning May 1, should the stay-at-home order be extended, and would only last until staff are able to return to the buildings.
President Forte-Scott recommended amending this to be May 1-31, rather than 4 weeks, and noted that this is a contingency only if the Library is closed through May 31. Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustees Hyman and Jonen seconded this amendment.
Additional discussion included clarification that once the Library reopens, staff will get paid for the actual hours they work.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of a temporary lift on non-resident access to obtain online library cards to utilize online resources and materials until September 1, 2020
Trustee Hyman moved and Vice-President Bernas seconded the approval of a temporary lift on non-resident access to obtain online library cards to utilize online resources and materials until September 1, 2020.
Discussion included noting that this puts the Library in a position to be as helpful as possible, and would be a temporary solution. Executive Director Miskewitch confirmed that we can indeed enact this change remotely. Additional discussion included understanding how many people this may mean accommodating and ensuring this wouldn’t be a financial burden. This measure would include any non-Schaumburg Township District Library residents who reside within these school districts, not just students. There are technology constraints that complicate how to identify households with D54 and D11 students. It should also be noted that there is legislation on the table with HB 2096 to create the Cards for Kids Act, though no action at this time in movement. The Library can adjust this measure and revoke these privileges sooner than September 1, if deemed appropriate.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded that:
The Library Board meeting adjourn at 9:24pm.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.