Monday, January 6, 2020
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 p.m.
Anita Forte-Scott, President; Jillian Bernas, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Erin Flannigan-Davies; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart
Tom Featherstone, Brian Gilsinn, Blake Kindl, Annie Miskewitch, Tiffany Nash, Dan Pohrte, Niraj Shah, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Beth Valenziano
Treasurer Seyring, President Forte-Scott and Trustees Flannigan-Davies and Wroblewski Bosshart all attended the One Book, One Community Carnival and enjoyed the event, including the performances and book giveaways.
Vice-President Bernas saw the Daily Herald article about the One Book, One Community Carnival and is finishing reading the selected book, Pachinko. She also gave thanks to Executive Director Miskewitch for assisting the American Legion in securing a table in the Library lobby for later this month.
Treasurer Seyring and Trustees Jonen and Hyman appreciate the Korean Stamp exhibit on the Central Library’s second floor.
President Forte-Scott was at the Central Library at close of business on New Year’s Eve and the final card issued for the decade went to Greg Ring. She reminded trustees to please RSVP to Executive Director Miskewitch for upcoming community events.
There will be an Executive Session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee; litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Library has been filed or pending; and Security Matter/Procedures
President Forte-Scott added an additional approval: to increase the overall budget of the renovation project by $180,300.00
Presentation/Discussion with Featherstone, Inc. and Product Architecture for first floor renovation project (circulation area, vestibule, café, public washrooms, entrances to Fiction and kidsZone)
Executive Director Miskewitch introduced Brian Gilsinn and Tom Featherstone from Featherstone construction management, and Dan Pohrte and Tiffany Nash from Product Architecture.
Mr. Gilsinn explained that on December 12, Featherstone sent a letter of recommendation for the contractors that they recommend be awarded the various contracts for the renovation project. This selection process is detailed in the bid packet distributed to board members.
Mr. Gilsinn reviewed the budget bid analysis with the Board, highlighting the contractor bids compared to the budget. Going into the bid process, Featherstone, with input from Library staff, created seven alternates that were not part of the original project scope. With these alternates, the project does go over the initial budget. Ms. Miskewitch and Building Operations Manager Blake Kindl reviewed the alternates and recommend moving everything forward, increasing the budget of the renovation. Mr. Gilsinn detailed the items currently noted as pending.
Mr. Pohrte and Ms. Nash discussed each alternate to review these additional items and answer board questions. Additionally, they gave a general overview of the entire project, walking through the various areas of the renovation.
Patron Niraj Shah inquired whether or not this meeting would cover a plan for the former café space. President Forte-Scott noted that a renovation of that area is part of this project, but the specific plan is not on the agenda for this meeting.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Break Thru Enterprises, Inc. for the Demolition Contract in the amount of $52,500.00.
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Break Thru Enterprises, Inc. for the demolition contract in the amount of $52,500.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder L.J. Morse Construction Company for the Carpentry, Metal Stub Framing, Drywall, Doors, Frames & Hardware Contract in the amount of $149,035.00.
Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustee Hyman seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder L.J. Morse Construction Company for the carpentry, metal stub framing, drywall, doors, frames and hardware contract in the amount of $149,035.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Hargrave Builders, Inc. for the Millwork Contract in the amount of $229,000.00.
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Hargrave Builders, Inc. for the millwork contract in the amount of $229,000.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Illinois Contract Glazing, Inc. for the Glass and Glazing Contract in the amount of $32,680.00.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Illinois Contract Glazing, Inc. for the glass and glazing contract in the amount of $32,680.00.
Discussion included confirmation that this was the sole bid. Mr. Featherstone noted that this was a responsible and qualified bid.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Just Rite Acoustics, Inc. for the Acoustical Ceilings Contract in the amount of $33,375.00.
Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Just Rite Acoustics, Inc. for the acoustical ceilings contract in the amount of $33,375.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Johnson Floor Company, Inc. for the Flooring Contract in the amount of $83,591.00.
Trustee Hyman moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Johnson Floor Company, Inc. for the flooring contract in the amount of $83,591.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Oosterbaan Painting, Inc. for the Painting Contract in the amount of $32,070.00.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Oosterbaan Painting, Inc. for the painting contract in the amount of $32,070.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Interior Concepts, Inc. for the Toilet Partitions & Accessories Contract in the amount of $37,800.00.
Trustee Jonen moved and Trustee Flannigan-Davies seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Interior Concepts, Inc. for the toilet partitions and accessories contract in the amount of $37,800.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Valley Fire Protection Systems, LLC for the Fire Suppression Contract in the amount of $12,800.00.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Valley Fire Protection Systems, LLC for the fire suppression contract in the amount of $12,800.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for the Plumbing Contract in the amount of $49,600.00.
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Flannigan-Davies seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for the plumbing contract in the amount of $49,600.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for the HVAC & Temperature Controls Contract in the amount of $42,680.00.
Trustee Worblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Hyman seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for the HVAC and temperature controls contract in the amount of $42,680.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder J. Hamilton Electric Co., Inc. for the Electric & Fire Alarm Contract in the amount of $258,700.00.
Treasurer Seyring moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder J. Hamilton Electric Co., Inc. for the electric and fire alarm contract in the amount of $258,700.00.
Discussion included clarification that this is for installation only in the areas covered in the renovation and does not include maintenance and ongoing adherence to codes. Once installed, this system will integrate into current systems for testing and maintenance.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Applied Communications Group for the Telecommunications Contract in the amount of $34,228.00.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Trustee Flannigan-Davies seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Applied Communications Group for the telecommunications contract in the amount of $34,228.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Award of Bid to lowest, qualified bidder Chicago Scenic Studios for the Millwork 2 Contract in the amount of $415,065.00.
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded the approval of award of bid to lowest, qualified bidder Chicago Scenic Studios for the millwork 2 contract in the amount of $415,065.00.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval to increase the overall renovation project budget by $180,300.00
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval to increase the overall renovation project budget by $180,300.00
Discussion included clarification of which line items are covered in the individual contract approvals and what is covered in this separate project budget increase. This is not an approval to spend this amount, but to increase the project budget to this amount. If any new line items are $25,000 or more, the Board will vote to approve the expense. Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart noted the full project will be paid from our Special Reserve Fund and there is funding available.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice-President Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
The Library Board exit regular session at 8:15 P.M.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Bernas moved and Trustee Flannigan-Davies seconded that:
The Library Board enter Executive Session at 8:25 P.M.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:
The Library Board exit Executive Session and re-enter regular session at 9:13 P.M.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Flannigan-Davies Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Trustee Flannigan-Davies moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:
The Library Board adjourn at 9:17 P.M.
The motion passed unanimously.