Monday, July 15, 2019
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.
Gerald Bromley, President; Jillian Bernas, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Anita Forte-Scott; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart
Renee Anderson, Claudia Baranowski, Amber Creger, Michael C. Cudzik, Emily Gilbert, Justine Gilbert, Monica Harris, Sandra Kurth, Bob Lyons, Annie Miskewitch, Kate Niehoff, Carole Pye, Bobbi Sloan, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Beth Valenziano
Bobbi Sloan noted it is the publishing anniversary of Catcher in the Rye.
Treasurer Seyring shared how much she enjoyed the VIP opening of the Chuck Jones exhibit, especially the anecdotes from Chuck Jones’ grandson. She thought the recent donation to the Library from the Indian Consulate was a great collection to add. She also commended the staff for all their hard work at the recent Fourth of July parade in Hoffman Estates.
Trustee Jonen was also at the Chuck Jones exhibit opening and noted how much praise the Library staff received from our partner organizations for their work organizing the exhibit. He has also used the new book drop and believes it is a great addition.
Trustee Hyman expressed her regret at missing recent Library events but hopes everyone had a wonderful time.
Vice President Bernas was grateful to get to attend the Chuck Jones exhibit VIP event and shared how privileged the Library is to get to host such an amazing experience. She was also very impressed with the Indian Consulate reception and is hopeful we can have similar events in the future.
Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart happily shared how she planned her recent vacation with books from the Library’s travel section. She has also started reading in participation of the Summer Challenge.
Trustee Forte-Scott was very excited about the increase in Hoopla checkouts from four to six. When she was out in the community, a patron mentioned to her how pleased he, too, was with the increase. She also commented on the great work Ben Olson from the Backyard Experience did in designing the special Schaumburg Boomers uniforms.
President Bromley thought the Indian Consulate book event was incredibly well put together and very impressive. He also commented on the good work the staff did during their section of the Fourth of July parade.
RAILS - Ms. Hyman
A trustee training program will take place at the River Forest Library on August 10 or October 19 at the Bloomington Library. A Notary Public event will be hosted at the Acorn Public Library on August 21 and September 18 at the Indian Trails Library
Vice President Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
The June 17, 2019 Regular Board Minutes be approved.
Discussion included typos.
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Treasurer Hyman seconded that:
The Library Board approved the June 2019 Bill List.
Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
The presentation from Ancel Glink attorney Britt Isaly will be moved up and there will be an Executive Session.
Britt Isaly reminded the board members of their powers as trustees, including purchasing power, creating contracts with other libraries and local governments, and extending and suspending patron library privileges. He noted the board will be reviewing the by-laws and he had no substantial changes to recommend.
Treasurer Seyring inquired about the disposal of library property connected to our Library Book Sales. Those sales under $1,000 are open to board discretion within the Library’s purchasing policy, but larger valued items over $2,500 must be advertised for public bidding.
Vice-President Bernas asked about the perimeters of filming in public on cell phones. Mr. Isaly explained as a common, public space, the Library gives patrons a limited expectation of privacy from being filmed by another patron, but security cameras must be limited in capturing anything that could be considered private with registration information and checkout item data. Library regulations can limit disruptive filming, but must follow First Amendment freedoms. Program filming could be limited if presentations are copyrighted. Generally filming in a public space during a program is allowed.
President Bromley announced he is resigning from the board effective at the end of this meeting due to a move out of the service area. He shared his reasons for joining the board were to volunteer and give back to the community. He is happy he had the opportunity to work for the people in the community. He is pleased with the recent overview of the Library’s mission statement to establish and stay close to our values and principals.
Discussion continued to how the role of the President will be filled in the future. At the next meeting, the Vice-President will take over until a nominating committee can move forward.
Executive Director Harris thanked President Bromley for all his direction over her entire six year tenure at the Library. She read a letter from the Schaumburg Township Historical Society praising Jane Rozek.
Ms. Harris shared the big changes this year in statistics as it relates to circulation, with several big gains over the last few months. Automatic renewals and an increase in face-out displays could have had an impact on these numbers. While other libraries in the area are seeing decreases, we have seen an increase in circulation at our library. Programming and interactions numbers are changing with new ways of measurement.
Executive Director Harris mentioned the Library joining the Urban Libraries Council, adding to the representation with other libraries of similar population sizes. Professional development with other similar sized libraries is very helpful to staff, including discussion on policy information and guidelines. Ms. Harris also thanked the community and Whole Foods for their monetary donation of $2,480.43. A presentation will be held on August 16 at the Library concerning demographic information for the entire Schaumburg Township to help understand the community for future plans of service.
Deputy Director Miskewitch overviewed all the exterior updates, with fresh paint and numbers on the outside doors. The front of Central now has additional flowers, mulch and trees. Window cleaning has taken place at Central and the new book drop was installed. Free lunches are currently available at both of our branch locations to those under 18 years of age, with over 600 meals already given out to our community through funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by the Illinois State Board of Education.
Ms. Miskewitch mentioned the IT Department has helped ease the payroll software conversion. She had a wonderful time with her kids at the Fourth of July parade this month.
Outreach and Literacy – Kate Niehoff and Claudia Baranowski
Programming and Outreach Manager Kate Niehoff talked about the outreach department being recently understaffed, but keeping up with its full schedule thanks to the hard work of Sandy Kurth. The department has seen a very large increase in the amount of outreach patrons they serve by being out in the community more. They also fill the deposit libraries in the community with branded materials and promotion of the home delivery service. Outreach helps coordinate and staff Pop-Up libraries with other department’s staffing support. The Fiction department has also helped attend Pop-Up Libraries to help patrons with questions about e-downloads and other technology.
Literacy and Citizenship Librarian Claudia Baranowski discussed the multi-language diversity of our area. With District 214, the Library offers classes twice a year. She explained the differences between the multiple classes. Ms. Baranowski personally leads the conversation clubs three times a week with about 50 members who participate and there is always a waitlist for more to participate when a spot becomes available.
Ms. Baranowski discussed the citizenship class and expects the demand to stay high in the future. New services include training community volunteers to be literacy tutors with the Elgin Literacy Connection. This is an additional way to bridge service gaps in the semester long classes we currently offer, and invite the community members to come join in the process.
Treasurer Seyring explained the general fund balance decreased after a money transfer. Annual merit payments were dispersed. The working cash fund stayed about the same. The Per Capita grant is expected to arrive by the end of July. The large scale planned renovation to Circulation will decrease our funds available for investing.
Treasurer Seyring mentioned we are below budget. Costs for computer operations and staff development are expected to come below budget. Investments continue to perform favorably due to interest rate hikes. Cash flows are projected out based on our investment maturities. Tax receipts received were invested in June.
Review of the By-Laws
Full review of the by-laws will take place next month.
Approval of Tentative FY2019-2020 Budget
Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded the approval of the Tentative FY2019-2020 budget.
Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Request for the Use of the Combined Rasmussen Room by the Democratic Party of Illinois for September 17 or 24
Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded the approval of the use of both Rasmussen Rooms for the Democratic Party of Illinois for September 17 or 24.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Bernas moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:
The Library Board exit the open session at 8:23 P.M.
Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Vice President Bernas seconded that:
The Library Board enter Executive Session at 8:27 P.M.
Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Bernas moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:
The Library Board re-enter Regular Session at 8:38 P.M.
Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded:
Minutes of the Dec 16, 2018 Executive Session be published.
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded:
Minutes of the Dec 26, 2018 Executive Session be held.
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Bernas moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:
The Library Board adjourn regular session at 8:40 P.M.
The motion passed unanimously.