Monday, February 18, 2019
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.




Anita Forte-Scott, President; Gerald Bromley, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart




Alisa Gandhi, Matthew Williams 


Amber Creger, Emily Gilbert, Justine Gilbert, Pat Goode, Monica Harris, Tony Kierna, Annie Miskewitch, Kathy Morgan, Joanne Schultz, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Beth Valenziano, Debi Wolfe


Debi Wolfe, former employee and resident of Buffalo Grove, addressed an employee reassignment. Ms. Wolfe asked that the board consider the change.

Patron Pat Goode also spoke to having had a good experience with the employee in her former position before she moved to a new department.


Trustee Hyman had no comments.

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart attended the Hoffman Estates Celebration of Excellence Award Dinner.

Trustee Bernas recognized Hanover Park branch security who helped patrons getting to their cars and traversing the parking lot during recent bad weather. She brought to the board’s attention, especially the students, the Rotary Club leadership program, RYLA. She also commented on the recent Illinois legislative increase in minimum wage and how it fits into the Library’s overall budget.

Trustee Jonen also attended Hoffman Estates Celebration of Excellence Award Dinner, along with the ILA Legislative Breakfast. He loved how many representatives from the area attended.

Vice-President Bromley attended the ILA Legislative Breakfast this morning, found it very inspiring, but commented the speeches lacked depth in reference to actions to help libraries. He also congratulated the Veterans History Project on their award.

Treasurer Seyring also attended the ILA Legislative Breakfast, but was disappointed in the lack of a question and answer portion from the Representatives. She attended the Hoffman Estates Celebration of Excellence Dinner and enjoyed it.

President Forte-Scott attended both the ILA Award Ceremony Breakfast and Hoffman Estates Celebration of Excellence Dinner. She discussed the idea of passing information on to ILA about improvement to next year’s Legislative Breakfast. She recommended to all present to watch a fun and informative RAILS video created recently at Gail Borden Library in Elgin.

RAILS - Ms. Hyman



Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that:

The January 21, 2019 Regular Board Minutes be approved.

Discussion included a grammatical error and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart’s salutation.

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Jonen moved and Vice-President Bromley seconded that:

The Library Board approve the January 2019 Bill List.

Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes


There will be an Executive Session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; and litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Library has been filed or is pending.


President Forte-Scott discussed Love of Reading month from her report, encouraging the board and others to read more. She also wanted to bring attention to the Schaumburg Prairie Center for the Arts programming, with Trustee Bernas’ Rotary club selling tickets to the events.


Executive Director Harris called attention to the planned increase in minimum wage and how our organization will be impacted beginning in 2020 with the graduated increase. Ms. Harris noted the Library’s upcoming salary survey will be able to consider these changes in planning. 

After questions Executive Director Harris explained the salary survey is connected to evaluating thirty-two positions across the library. The salary survey data will make recommendations based on market rate for salary and hourly positions compared with the library marketplace and other government and nonprofit organizations.

Ms. Harris noted the upcoming payroll software update to Tyler Technologies, which will fully integrate with the Library’s current budgeting software and be a reduced cost to the organization. Ms. Harris also asked about interest for a potential media training event for local trustees.


Deputy Director Miskewitch reviewed building improvements, including installation of a wireless fire system and a few leaks at the branches which were fixed. Two leaks that arose after the recent extreme cold weather have been fixed, and there was no damage to carpet, collection or furniture. The catalog was also recently updated to include Lexile for children’s books search.

Ms. Miskewitch noted all employees were contacted through the emergency notice system due to the library’s extreme cold weather related closure. There was also discussion of the Bicentennial flag continuing to fly at our discretion, and suggested it should be encased when retired, possibly placed in the Illinois collection.


Reference/Information/Computer Assistance – Magan Szwarek

Reference Services Director Magan Szwarek reviewed her written report, while explaining the duties of her department, and the important role her team plays in serving the public. Ms. Szwarek shared her excitement about recent equipment upgrades, upcoming new seating in the 2nd floor common areas, and possible new technology with connected programming.

President Forte-Scott commented on how the public is served by this staff with the huge number of programs they provide. Trustee Hyman confirmed the staff was great about walking her through the new copier technology.

Genealogy Librarian Tony Kierna circulated handouts about the Veterans History Project and the push to include WWII veterans because of their advanced age. He discussed his process, and has completed five videos with a sixth interview scheduled. He commented about the enthusiastic response from veterans after social media posts about the project. Mr. Kierna plans to send flyers to inform VFW members about the project and possibly taping on-location at Friendship Village.


Plan of Service – Gerald Bromley

Executive Director Harris spoke about updates to all sections of the Plan of Service as of January 2019. There was a discussion of return on investment based on a recent direct mail campaign to citizens.


Alisa Gandhi and Matthew Williams reviewed their written report, highlighting promotion of BrainFuse to schools for ACT prep. Alisa discussed a slideshow she is creating about programs she believes teens will be interested in attending. Matthew found BrainFuse very helpful for ACT test prep and successfully used it. Next month will be their halfway term presentation about their goal accomplishments.


Treasurer Seyring reviewed the financial reports, noting a decrease in general fund balance sheets. Mrs. Seyring reviewed expenses, highlighting many departments are currently well below budget, but commented most will catch up to expectation by the end of fiscal year.




Distribution of Library Director Evaluation Form

Board members are asked to return completed form at the March board meeting to be discussed in April. Board members may direct questions to President Forte-Scott.

Discuss Budget Committee Meeting Dates

Suggested meeting dates are Wednesday, May 29; Monday, June 3; and Wednesday, June 5, all at 6 p.m. Possible alternate date is Tuesday, June 4.

Discuss Reserve Study

Executive Director Harris and Deputy Director Miskewitch discussed how a potential circulation remodel would impact the financial reserves while referencing graphs included in the board packet.

Approval of Professional Development Expenses of $1,496.60 and $1,244.00 for Tyler Technologies Conference in April 2019

Vice-President Bromley moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that the Board approve the professional development expenses for Tyler Technologies Conference in the amount of $1,496.60 and $1,244.00.

Discussion included benefits to the library for sending employees to this conference.
Roll call vote: 
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Waiver of Bid for sole source KI furniture for desks, shelves, and file cabinets in the amount $30,781.98

Treasurer Seyring moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that the Board approve the waiver of bid for sole source KI Furniture for desks, shelves, and file cabinets in the amount of $30,781.98.

Discussion included a reminder of how this area is original to the building at 20 years old, and new furniture would maximize the space for the seven employees that use the area. 

Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Waiver of Bid for sole source Library Furniture International picture book shelving in the amount $61,790.00

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded that the Board approve the waiver of bid for sole source KI furniture for picture book shelving in the amount of $61,790.00.

Discussion included furniture bringing updates to collection presentation, allowing greater circulation with the new face-out model. This new shelving would also accommodate growth in the department. 

Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that:

The Library Board exit the open session at 9:04 P.M.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that: 

The Library Board enter Executive Session at 9:09 P.M. 
Roll call vote: 
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that: 
The Library Board re-enter Regular Session at 9:46 P.M.

Roll call vote:

Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:

The Library Board adjourn regular session at 9:47 P.M.

The motion passed unanimously.