Monday, December 17, 2018
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.




Anita Forte-Scott, President; Gerald Bromley, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart




Alisa Gandhi, Matthew Williams 


Victoria Akinde, Amber Creger, Stephanie Driscoll, Monica Harris, Mike Malatt, Kate Niehoff, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Bobbi Sloan, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Annie Tillmann, Beth Valenziano 


Bobbi Sloan noted her displeasure at the parking options available at the Hoffman Estates Branch for programs. She noted her appreciation to the computer assistance staff for helping solve some problems with her cell phone.


Trustee Hyman noted she received a patron comment about snow removal at the Hanover Park Branch, but the issue was resolved quickly and the patron was appreciative of the response time.

Trustee Jonen mentioned he has been impressed with hoopla and enjoys continuing to learn the app.

Trustee Bernas agreed that hoopla is a great additional service for the Library. 

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart noted that she has filed her petitions to run for the Library board again. She hopes to continue to serve as a Library trustee. She expressed an interest in some more activity in the art committee and suggested maybe a purchase before the next fiscal year. Ms. Wroblewski Bosshart attended two programs in the last month and complimented new staff member Annie Tillmann. She noted that she’s still interested in looking at statistics over a longer period to identify trends. Executive Director Harris stated the staff plan to have this information prepared for the board to review at the end of the fiscal year.

Vice-President Bromley asked if the Library is an official warming center. Executive Director Harris noted that the entirety of our Hanover Park Branch has an official warming center designation, and the other locations can serve in this capacity when needed but do not hold the official designation. He thanked the student trustees for their diligence, especially explaining the app Schoology.

Treasurer Seyring also filed her petitions to run for trustee again and hopes to continue to serve on the Library board.

President Forte-Scott noted that hoopla is featured on the Dec/Jan guide and commended our teen staff on being prepared to accommodate District 211 students should the District staff strike.

RAILS - Ms. Hyman

RAILS has opened the registration to be included in the ILA legislative update. It’s an opportunity to meet with legislators and discuss policies and laws you’d like to advocate for on behalf of libraries. Registration is available on the RAILS website.


Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Seyring seconded that:

The November 19, 2018 Regular Board Minutes be approved.

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that:

The Library Board approve the November 2018 Bill List.

Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes


The presentation of the 2017-18 audit report will be moved to precede the President’s Report.

The Student Advisory Trustee report will immediately follow the audit report.

There will be an Executive Session to discuss the minutes of closed sessions. This is a regularly scheduled session that happens twice each year.

Vice-President Bromley will give a report on a RAILS webinar and a veteran’s project update in New Business, after the expense approvals.


Michael Malatt gave the report on behalf of Baker Tilly. He noted that there were no major changes from last year, stating that Schaumburg Library is extremely clean in terms of operations, helping to minimize risk on behalf of the Library. Mr. Malatt also answered some questions from Trustees and noted Baker Tilly has an open door and is happy to answer questions any time. Mr. Malatt and trustees expressed their appreciation to Finance Director Beth Valenziano for her work, especially in preparation for the annual audit.

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart mentioned that it’s about time for us to switch auditing companies, per our cycle to rotate every 3-5 years. Ms. Valenziano noted that we should begin this process soon so we have time to thoroughly vet potential auditors.


Matthew Williams and Alisa Gandhi reviewed their written report, highlighting progress on their goals and school-specific updates. They additionally noted that this is finals week, with exams happening Wednesday through Friday.


President Forte-Scott reviewed the section of her written report focusing on understanding what it means to serve as a Trustee and commended the board on their strong working relationships and cohesion as a board. Additionally, she highlighted Mayor Al Larson of Schaumburg will not be seeking reelection in April after serving the community for more than five decades. She suggested finding a way for the Library to express our appreciation for his service.


Executive Director Monica Harris welcomed new staff member, Adult Program Coordinator Annie Tillmann. Annie introduced herself and gave a brief history of her work experience at Skokie Public Library and Midland (TX) Public Library.

Ms. Harris reviewed the statistics highlighted in her written report, bringing special attention to the computer and wifi statistics listed, and increased programming statistics.

Ms. Harris explained how the Management Team plans to work towards our goal of making data-driven decisions, an action item in our current Plan of Service.

Finally, Ms. Harris noted that many of the upcoming events listed in her report require an RSVP. Trustees should contact Ms. Harris should they have interest in attending any of these events.

Ms. Harris answered questions about our involvement with the Sister Cities Commissions in the communities we serve and our SimpleScan stations. 


Executive Director Harris gave the Deputy Director report in Ms. Miskewitch’s absence, highlighting new shelving in the Fiction area, the start of our basement clean-up project, additions of a shelf and accessible grasp rails in the men’s first floor public restroom (per patron requests), new furniture in our discussion rooms, the update to the Hanover Park Branch lighting panel and some upgrades to our online catalog.

Ms. Harris answered questions regarding use of InCode software for the budgeting process.


Access Services – Victoria Akinde

Access Services Department Director Victoria Akinde reviewed her written report, giving additional explanation and context to what some of the statistics mean and comparing statistics to the previous year.

Big Read Wrap Up Presentation – Stephanie Driscoll

Creative Services Librarian Stephanie Driscoll reviewed the written report, noting the Library’s first community-wide read was definitely a success. She shared some of the positive feedback received from patrons and highlighted some of the statistics from the initiative. 


Vice-President Bromley noted the Café Committee will be transitioning to Trustees Hyman and Jonen.


Treasurer Seyring reviewed the financial reports, noting November was a very average month performing as expected and tracking with the budget in nearly all areas. She explained a few items that are currently below budget but expected to catch up by the end of the fiscal year.




Approval of Purchasing Policy

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that the Board approve the updated Purchasing Policy.

Discussion included questions regarding format and grammar, and understanding two-thirds vs. three-fourths of the seven-member board. All agreed to add a comma after “however” in section 3.1, first sentence.

The motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of 2019 Calendar of Regular Board Meeting Dates

Vice-President Bromley moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that the Board approve the 2019 Calendar of Regular Board Meeting Dates.

Discussion included possibly changing the April date due to a known conflict for Trustee Bernas. All decided to keep the April meeting date as listed.

The motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Professional Development Expenses of $1,240.72 for ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2019; $1,457.00 for ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2019; $1,650.32 for ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2019; and $1,359.40 for COSUGI Conference in March 2019.

Trustee Hyman moved and Vice-President Bromley seconded that the Board approve the Professional Development Expenses of $1,240.72 for ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2019; $1,457.00 for ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2019; $1,650.32 for ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2019; and $1,359.40 for COSUGI Conference in March 2019.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 

RAILS Webinar Recap – Vice-President Bromley

Vice-President Bromley reported on a RAILS webinar about accessibility for patrons, noting trustees should serve as advocates for patrons, support Library staff and policies, and encourage ongoing training for staff.

Veterans Project Update – Vice-President Bromley

Vice-President Bromley shared information about veteran benefits and asked about providing space (physical or digital) to display resources for veterans. He also shared some scholarship and educational opportunities available through veteran organizations. Mr. Bromley expressed interest in the Library getting involved in these initiatives, as appropriate.

Executive Director Harris suggested sharing this information with our Reference Services staff so they have appropriate resources to pass on to patrons, as requested.

Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that: 
The Library Board exit regular session at 8:58 P.M.  
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that: 
The Library Board enter Executive Session at 8:59 P.M. 
Roll call vote: 
Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that: 
The Library Board re-enter Regular Session at 9:03 P.M.

Roll call vote:

Ms. Bernas            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Ms. Hyman            Yes
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 

Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Hyman seconded: 
Minutes of the April 16, 2018 and July 16, 2018 Executive Sessions to be published.

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board adjourn regular session at 8:58 P.M.

The motion passed unanimously.