Monday, January 15, 2018
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.



Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, President; Anita Forte-Scott, Vice-President/Secretary; Gerald Bromley, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Theresa Seyring

Ashwin Prabhu

Kenneth Beymer

Carrie Cichon, Amber Creger, Monica Harris, Annie Miskewitch, Kathy Morgan, Jason Santos, Bobbi Sloan, Magan Szwarek, Beth Valenziano, Matthew Williams

Community resident Bobbi Sloan commented about online registration for programs.

Trustees Seyring and Bernas, and Treasurer Bromley attended and appreciated the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast event in Hoffman Estates.
Vice-President Forte-Scott recently attended and enjoyed Photoshop Elements 1 & 2 sessions offered in the Computer Assistance Area. She also presented the other Board members with the idea of hosting a quarterly Trustee Meet and Greet event.

RAILS – Ms. Hyman
Trustee Hyman reminded the Board members that the RAILS Member Update will be taking place on January 18, 2018.

Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:

The December 18, 2017 Regular Board Minutes be approved.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Bromley moved that:

The Board approve the December 2017 Bill List.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

President Wroblewski Bosshart noted that the department report would be rescheduled. There is also a typographical revision to an agenda item under New Business.

President Wroblewski Bosshart recently requested research assistance from staff and also attended the Library’s book sale.
President Wroblewski Bosshart noted that the Executive Director annual evaluation is approaching. At the February Board Meeting, the Board members will receive the paper evaluation and instructions for completion. Evaluation forms must be completed and submitted at the March Board Meeting. President Wroblewski Bosshart will work with the Director of Human Resources, Kathy Schuessler, to compile responses.

Executive Director Harris extended an invitation for the Board members to attend the Hanover Park State of the Village event on January 31, 2018, and the Illinois Library Association Trustee Forum Workshop on February 17, 2018 in Oak Brook. The Library will be hosting a Harry Potter Book Night on February 1, 2018. She also highlighted some statistical trends regarding increase in circulation, registered borrowing and computer usage.
The Library has been featured by Elmhurst College’s Greatest Libraries of Chicagoland class, as well as named one of the top nine reasons that Schaumburg is a great place to live by the Schaumburg Business Association.

Deputy Director Miskewitch noted that four interior doors at the Central Library have been numerically labeled (1-4) to identify them as exit doors. The LED re-lamp project of the Commons has begun. The main door at the Central Library has been replaced. Sealed bids for VMWare, desktops and monitors were opened on January 4, 2018. The Library received a commercial FOIA request from Smart Procure, which was responded to in the required time frame.

Student Advisor Trustee Ashwin Prabhu noted that he will be volunteering at the upcoming Harry Potter Book Night event.


Treasurer Bromley noted that the financials reflect the end of the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year. Spending patterns are normal and cyclical. Additional tax revenue is anticipated to be received in March.
Bank drafts have been added to the monthly bill list included in the Board packet. The benefit of adding ACH transactions is the immediate processing of bills, eliminating wait times for check clearance and mail delays.


Approval of Service Animal Policy

Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the Service Animal Policy.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Executive Director Harris noted that the addition of the word “discrimination” to the policy is the recommendation of our insurance cooperative.
Treasurer Bromley moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:

The Library Board approve the Harassment and Discrimination Policy.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the Resolution Adopting and Establishing an Updated Sexual Harassment Policy
The Library Board agreed to hold the approval of the Resolution, seeking clarification on the Library’s listed name in the Resolution.

Approval of Award of Bid to the lowest qualified bidder, Zones, Inc. (Base Bid $209,706.66 and Alternate $27,457.76) in the Amount of $237,164.42
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that:

The Library Board approve award of bid to Zones, Inc in the amount of $237,164.42.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Award of Bid to the lowest qualified bidder, ePlus in the Amount of $67,664.06
Treasurer Bromley moved and Vice-President Forte-Scott seconded that:

The Library Board approve award of bid to ePlus in the amount of $67,664.06.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,185.00 for ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,185.00 for the ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,210.96 for ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,210.00 for the ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,263.95 for ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,263.00 for the ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,136.39 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,136.39 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,285.96 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,285.96 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,398.00 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,398.00 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,396.00 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,396.00 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,639.90 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,639.90 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,639.90 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,639.90 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,769.50 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,769.50 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,784.00 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,784.00 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,784.00 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,784.00 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,839.30 for ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,839.30 for the ALA Midwinter conference in February 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of professional development expenses of $1,923.00 for PLA conference in March 2018
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the professional development expense of $1,923.00 for the PLA conference in March 2018.

Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes

The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Bernas moved and Treasurer Bromley seconded that:

The Library Board adjourn at 8:16 P.M.

The motion passed unanimously.