Monday, July 17, 2017
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.
Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, President; Gerald Bromley, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Theresa Seyring
Anita Forte-Scott, Vice-President/Secretary
Carrie Cichon, Monica Harris, Annie Miskewitch, Kate Niehoff, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Helen Stewart, Magan Szwarek, Beth Valenziano
Trustee Jonen complimented the expansion of the Library’s borrowing guidelines, which increases the checkout and renewal limits. He also noted that the Food for Fines initiative is taking place and is well-supported.
Trustee Hyman passed around promotional items that she received from the DePaul University Library at an orientation.
Trustees Hyman and Bernas, and President Wroblewski Bosshart represented the Library in the Independence Day Parade. They noted a strong attendance from residents, and thanked the staff for their participation.
Trustee Seyring observed that the Library is the featured Business of the Month at Schaumburg Bank and Trust.
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
The June 19, 2017 Regular Board Minutes be approved, with typographical corrections.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer Bromley moved that:
The Board approve the June 2017 Bill List.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
President Wroblewski Bosshart noted that the Plan of Service report would be moved ahead of the Finance Committee report.
President Wroblewski Bosshart commented on the Independence Day Parade, and thanked the staff members that participated. She also thanked the Graphics team members for designing the Library’s parade float.
Executive Director Harris notified the Board members about the upcoming Hoffman Estates Multi-Chamber Intergovernmental Reception on August 8, 2017, which provides networking opportunities for representatives from local government agencies.
Ms. Harris noted that a shade has been installed in the Workshop to create privacy for program participants during movie showings. During times when the Workshop is not in use, the shade and doors will be open, creating an inviting atmosphere. The parking lot was seal coated and striped in the beginning of July. An accent wall will be painted in the Conference Room to warm the décor of the room. KidsZone has updated the early literacy space behind the Enchanted Forest with new manipulatives and large scale toys. New furniture was also added to the Tween space.
Beginning in September, Administration will be working with the State of Illinois to conduct a local records inventory.
As of July 1, 2017, the Library has expanded borrowing privileges for patrons. The response to this change has been positive.
Ms. Harris noted that at a recent round table meeting, HR Director Kathy Schuessler engaged in discussion about gathering emergency contact information for Board Trustees. She left the topic open for consideration and future discussion.
Youth Department Director Amber Creger is the recipient of the prestigious Davis Cup award from the Illinois Library Association's (ILA) Youth Services Forum. The Board extended their congratulations to her, and gratitude for her dedication and service.
Ms. Harris highlighted changes in the Library’s organization that are now effective after the onboarding of the Deputy Director. The Board agreed on a minor modification in the appearance of the organization chart before it is published to the Library’s website.
Outreach and Literacy – Kate Niehoff and Helen Stewart
Community Engagement Librarian Helen Stewart commented on the previous year’s School District 211 funding cuts for English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. At the time, School District 214 was able to bridge the gap to offer one additional class at the Library. This year, District 214 will offer an Advanced ESL class after identifying a need for the intermediate level. Intermediate ESL and Read to Learn will return this fall in addition to the Advanced ESL class. Ipads with literacy applications will be available for Conversation Club attendees later this fiscal year, as well as for checkout at the Reference Desk for use within the building. There is a strong attendance and participation in the literacy programs offered by the Library, and the efforts are ongoing to accommodate the community. Ms. Stewart plans to put together a resource package for new visitors to the Library interested in literacy programs and other resources.
Programs and Outreach Coordinator Kate Niehoff highlighted the department’s success with the Home Delivery Service, Pop-Up Library and community events. In the last year, travel sites have been divided into zones to streamline schedules and processes, and to cut down on staff drive time. The Community Engagement department has budgeted for branded waterproof delivery bags in the new fiscal year. Outreach staff will continue to have a strong presence at senior living facilities, and plan to create strong networks with other organizations that serve seniors.
Plan of Service – Monica Harris
The Plan of Service Committee will begin to discuss the next steps in the planning process for the next Plan of Service cycle, covering 2018-2020. Ms. Harris suggested that after the next cycle, the Plan of Service Committee consider working with a consultant for Strategic Planning on a three-year rotation. The process should be responsive to community observations and concerns, to be able to deliver a timely and appropriately responsive plan. The process would involve community surveys and facilitated conversations to analyze what the needs of the community are, and how the Library can react when creating goals and changes during the Plan of Service process. Ms. Harris also recommended a comprehensive salary survey process with The Management Association, also on a three-year rotation, to remain competitive within the industry market.
Finance – Mr. Bromley
As the wrap up of the previous year’s budget reaches the conclusion of year-end processing, the bottom line is projected to be around 11% under budget after all old-year bills and adjustments are accrued. Treasurer Bromley commended staff for their level of focus, and for the ability to keep expenses under budget.
The current budget is trending favorably in terms of tax revenues and expenditures. Mr. Bromley noted that the working cash fund is well supported based on the benchmark that the Board has established, which is to be a minimum of 15% of the former year’s budget. Finance Director Beth Valenziano noted that during a recent discussion with Executive Director Harris and the Library’s attorney, counsel recommended that the Board consider increasing the established minimum for the working cash fund.
The Personnel Committee plans to meet and discuss policy revisions within the next month.
Approval of Tentative FY2017-2018 Budget
Trustee Seyring moved and Treasurer Bromley seconded that:
The Library Board approve the tentative FY2017-2018 budget.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Transfer of $1,700,000 from Operating Budget Fund Balance to Building Reserve Fund
Treasurer Bromley moved and President Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:
The Library Board approve a transfer of $1,700,000 from the Operating Budget Fund balance to the Building Reserve Fund.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Waiver of Bid for Sole Source/Proprietary Online Research Database ProQuest in the amount of $22,110
Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
The Library Board approve a waiver of bid for sole source/proprietary online research database ProQuest in the amount of $22,110.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Bernas moved and President Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:
The Library Board adjourn at 8:07 P.M.
The motion passed unanimously.