Monday, June 19, 2017
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.
Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, President; Anita Forte-Scott, Vice-President/Secretary; Gerald Bromley, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Theresa Seyring
Ashwin Prabhu, Dhvanii Raval
Sarah Ahmad, Kenneth Beymer, Carrie Cichon, Kim Czmiel, Monica Harris, Britt Isaly, Aditi Katwala, Annie Miskewitch, Kathy Morgan, Anna Pederson, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Beth Valenziano, Machonne Williams, Matthew Williams
Sarah Ahmad, Aditi Katwala, Matthew Williams and Kenneth Beymer introduced themselves as High School District 211 students, all of whom are interested in applying for the Student Advisor Trustee (SAT) position for the 2017-2018 school year.
Trustees Bernas, Hyman and Seyring attended the Library’s Story Walk program at the Spring Valley Nature Center Bison’s Bluff Nature Playground.
Trustee Jonen complimented the end result of the painting project in the kidsZone.
Trustee Seyring attended the Environmental Fair at the Library.
Vice-President Forte-Scott thanked the Library for the name badges and business cards with the Library’s new logo and brand.
Treasurer Bromley shared an experience of a visit to the Manitowoc Public Library.
RAILS – Ms. Forte-Scott
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
The May 15, 2017 Regular Board Minutes be approved, with corrections.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Seyring seconded that:
The May 22, 23 and 24, 2017 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes be approved.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer Bromley moved that:
The Board approve the May 2017 Bill List.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
President Wroblewski Bosshart noted that the presentation from Ancel Glink and the Student Advisor Trustee Report would be moved up on the agenda, to precede the President’s Report. She also noted that an Executive Session would be held at the end of the meeting.
President Wroblewski Bosshart thanked the Board, Executive Director Harris, Finance Director Beth Valenziano, and the presenting staff members for the preparation and execution of the three budget meetings held on May 22-24, 2017.
Executive Director Harris announced that on Wednesday, June 14 a small roof leak was discovered and immediately addressed. Staff performed a temporary fix until the vendor was able to address and permanently fix the leak. The Library also encountered an emergency closure on Sunday, May 28, due to a separate issue with an HVAC coil failure. Water overflowed into the Teen Center outside of the Digital Studio. The walls were opened and fully dried, and other measures are in the process of being investigated to ensure that this issue is not repeated.
Ms. Harris attended Director’s University in Springfield, and reported receiving a certificate of completion, as well as instruction on many topics including legal requirements, policy development, and financial and personnel management.
Ms. Harris invited Board members to participate in walking the Hoffman Estates Independence Day parade, in which the Library will have a float. She also reminded the Board members to mark their calendars if they plan on attending the biennial Staff In-Service day on Friday, November 3, and the biennial Staff Holiday Party on Saturday, December 9.
Ms. Harris announced that our Library will be featured as one of three case study libraries in a publication by the American Library Association (ALA), called Financial Management for Libraries, which is to be released in 2018. The Library will be highlighted for its excellent transparency and detailed financial documents.
Finance – Mr. Bromley
Mr. Bromley noted that the possibility of a property tax freeze would impact the Library’s budget. There are also vacant positions in which hiring new employees may also impact the budget.
Trustee Seyring noted that she met with Ms. Harris, Director of HR Kathy Schuessler and Ruth Jonen, to understand details of proposed policy changes. At the July Board Meeting, such policies will be presented for Board review.
Student Advisor Trustee (SAT) Ashwin Prabhu noted that the tenor of teen center has shifted from the stress of finals to a casual place for meetups with the end of the school year.
SAT Dhvanii Raval will be attending the upcoming Fun Fair program in Town Square.
Both Ashwin and Dhvanii thanked the Library Board for supporting their involvement in Board activities and in the community on behalf of the Library.
High School Liaison Librarian Anna Pederson and Vice-President Forte-Scott commended Ashwin and Dhvanii for their dedication and involvement on the Board during the past school year. The Student Advisor Trustees were thanked for their maturity, responsibility and passion.
Mr. Bromley noted that the Library continues to receive tax revenues in a timely manner. The budget continues to trend favorably as the fiscal year approaches an end. He commended staff for managing budgets responsibly.
Hail and Farewell to 2016-2017 Student Advisor Trustees
Refreshments were served to honor and thank the 2016-2017 Student Advisor Trustees.
Presentation from Ancel Glink Attorney Britt Isaly
Attorney Britt Isaly introduced himself to the Board of Trustees, and in particular, to the new Trustees. He presented an overview of the services and guidance that the counsel provides for clients including, but not limited to, budget and appropriation, personnel, policy, litigation, Open Meetings Act (OMA), Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and referendum.
Discussion of Transfer of Funds from Operating Budget Fund Balance to Building Reserve Fund
The Board discussed the possibility of transferring a portion of the fund balance from the Operating Budget to the Building and Equipment Special Reserve Fund.
Approval of FY2017-2018 Proposed Operating Budget
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Treasurer Bromley seconded that:
The Board approve the FY2017-2018 Proposed Operating Budget.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Prevailing Wage Rate Ordinance
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
The Board approve the Prevailing Wage Rate Ordinance.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Waiver of Bid for sole source EBSCO Online Research Databases in the Amount of $33,414.00
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Seyring seconded that:
The Board approve a waiver of bid for sole source EBSCO Online Research Databases in the amount of $33,414.00.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Waiver of Bid for sole source NewsBank Online Research Databases in the Amount of $42,640.00
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that:
The Board approve a waiver of bid for sole source NewsBank Online Research Databases in the amount of $42,640.00.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:
The Board exit Regular Session and enter into Executive Session at 8:16 P.M.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Forte-Scott moved and Treasurer Bromley seconded that:
The Board re-enter Regular Session at 8:24 PM
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:
Minutes of the July through December 2016 Executive Sessions be published.
Roll call vote:
Mr. Bromley Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Mr. Jonen Yes
Ms. Hyman Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously
Trustee Bernas moved and President Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:
The Library Board adjourn at 8:26 PM.
The motion passed unanimously.