BOARD MEETING Monday, July 15, 2024 Central Library Board Room 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL President Seyring called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Theresa Seyring, President; Anita Forte, Vice President/Secretary; Carole Pye, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas, John Caporale, Emily Gilbert, and Amy Mueller BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT David Hardt, Andrea Lublink, Annie Miskewitch, Paul Piraino, Jason Santos, Bobbi Sloan, and Beth Valenziano PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments were heard. BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Forte commented on correcting the July agenda’s Board meeting location, the Library’s circulation of over two million items, attending the Strategic Planning retreat at Schweikher House, walking in the Hoffman Estates 4th of July parade, installation of the donor wall, and a requested update on the location of the video phone. Trustee Gilbert commented on attending the Strategic Planning retreat, the Pride Celebration, and the Beyond Blond concert in Town Square. Trustee Mueller commented on the Strategic Planning retreat, meeting the community's needs, and the important article on intellectual freedom and book-banning. Trustee Bernas commented on sharing Library accomplishments and services with local news media, attending several Olde Schaumburg Centre Farmer’s markets, a concert in Town Square, and the new donor wall. She inquired about the functional status of Town Square’s splash pad next to Oberweiss. Executive Director Miskewitch will follow up with an update. Trustee Caporale commented on the donor wall, attending the Strategic Planning retreat, participating in Hoffman Estate’s 4th of July parade, and the Harper College Juneteenth partnership celebrating inclusiveness. Trustee Pye commented on the new materials in the AV department, new signage on the second-floor shelves, and catching up with a former Student Advisory Trustee. She attended the Town Square concert: The Flat Cats on July 29. RAILS – Trustee Mueller None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that: The June 17, 2024, Board Meeting minutes and June 22, 2024, Strategic Planning Committee minutes be approved with amendments. Discussion included corrections to the attendees at the June board meeting and the Strategic Planning Committee retreat. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that: The Library Board approve the June 2024 Bill List. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes Discussion included questions about the identification and services provided by several individuals listed on the check report. Executive Director Miskewitch will follow up with a detailed report. Finance Director Beth Valenziano will provide detailed reports at future board meetings. The motion passed unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT Trustee Pye reviewed the financial reports, making note of balances in the various funds. The General Fund's balance sheet decreased by approximately $6.9M due to expenses exceeding revenues by $695K and the transfer of $6M to the Special Reserve Fund. She highlighted a few line items and discussed why they are currently above or below budget. She also gave an update on the status of various Library investments. Discussion included an update on a recent check fraud case the Library experienced, staffing, open positions, and budgeting variances. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There will be an Executive Session under Section 2(c), (21). STUDENT ADVISORY TRUSTEE REPORT The Student Advisory Trustees are on summer vacation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Trustee Seyring commented on June’s productive Strategic Planning Committee meeting, walking in the Hoffman Estates 4th of July parade, the success of the donor wall installation, her appreciation of the Art Committee’s hard work, and the status of Committee member assignments. Discussion included the Committee of the Whole model. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Miskewitch shared highlights from the June 2024 Director’s Report. Discussion included Library statistics, the proposed Harper College bicycle program, and a solar bench repair update. DEPARTMENT REPORT There was no departmental report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Strategic Planning Committee – Chair Pye The Committee attended a Strategic Planning retreat with Consultant Amanda Standerfer. There was a discussion of long-range planning. Art Committee – Chair Seyring The Committee discussed the Martyl triptych restoration process and timeline. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discussion of Trustee Bylaws Discussion included Executive Director Miskewitch providing a clean copy of the Trustee Bylaws with changes for approval at the August board meeting. NEW BUSINESS Review of Draft of FY2024-2025 Budget & Appropriation Ordinance 2024-2025-1: Authorizing the Executive Director to make the Tentative Budget & Appropriations Ordinance available to the public and to schedule a Public Hearing on the Budget for August 26, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The Board of Library Trustees reviewed and discussed the Tentative FY2024-2025 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2024-2025-1: Authorizing the Executive Director to make the Tentative Budget & Appropriations Ordinance available to the public and to schedule a Public Hearing on the Budget for August 26, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve the Tentative FY2024-2025 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2024-2025-1 and make it available to the public and to schedule a Public Hearing on the Budget for August 26, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes Discussion included a correction to the document before posting. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion of FY24/25 Tax Levy The Board discussed the FY24/25 Tax Levy. Discussion included potential construction at the Branches and building certification of all Library locations. The consensus to lower the levy by 3% was discussed. Approval of Payment to Interiors for Business, Inc. in the amount of $33,745.40 Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Mueller seconded approval of payment to Interiors for Business, Inc. in the amount of $33,745.50. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes Discussion included the location of the furniture pieces. The motion passed unanimously. Approval of Payment to Sirsi Corporation (SirsiDynix) in the amount of $74,776.74 Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded approval of payment to Sirsi Corporation (SirsiDynix) in the amount of $74,776.74. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Approval of Payment to Ingram Library Services in the amount of $25,626.70 Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Caporale seconded that the Board approve payment to Ingram Library Services in the amount of $25,626.70. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes Discussion included clarification of the invoice. The motion passed unanimously. Approval of Invoices as Presented by Featherstone, Inc. (Draw Statements 14 & 15) Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment of invoices as presented by Featherstone, Inc. to: • Hallett Movers in the amount of $37,735.00 • L.J. Morse Construction Company in the amount of $137,555.90 • LaForce, LLC. In the amount of $35,770.57 • Prime Architectural Metal and Glass in the amount of $71,683.21 • Diverzify Pro, LLC in the amount of $74,097.50 • Integrated Specialty Contractors, LLC in the amount of $82,794.23 • Ascher Brothers Co., Inc. in the amount of 52,317.02 • Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Co. in the amount of $32,627.88 • Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $99,555.88 • Airport Electric Company in the amount of $284,134.00 • Applied Communications Group, Inc. in the amount of $41,115.77 • 22 Tones BIP66, LLC in the amount of $25,944.24 • Featherstone, Inc. in the amounts of $39,122.13 and $6,974.50 • Lange Bros. Woodwork Co., Inc. in the amount of $158,708.25 Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes Discussion included outstanding invoices with Featherstone, Inc. and remaining draw statements for contractors. The motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that: The Library Board enter into Executive Session under Section 2(c), (21) at 7:54 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that: The Library Board exit Executive Session at 8:16 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS None ADJOURNMENT Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the meeting adjourn at 8:19 P.M. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.