Monday, May 6, 2024
Central Library
Board Room
7:30 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Trustee Seyring called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Theresa Seyring, President; Carole Pye, Vice President/Secretary; Emily Gilbert, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; John Caporale; Anita Forte and Amy Mueller COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Annie Miskewitch, Molly Scheibler PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments were heard. BOARD COMMENTS None COMMITTEE REPORTS None NEW BUSINESS Approval of Payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $58,041.40 Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that: The Library Board approved payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $58,041.40. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Discussion included clarification of an upcoming Featherstone, Inc. invoice for the staff lounge. EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded the Library Board move into Executive Session under sections 2(c), (01) at 7:32 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded the Library Board exit Executive Session at 8:43 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Evaluation of Executive Director Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Forte seconded a motion to approve a base FY 24/25 salary of $174,250.00 and a merit of performance in the amount of $18,750.00 to Executive Director Annie Miskewitch Roll Call Vote: Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Caporale Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Mueller Yes Trustee Seyring Yes ADJOURNMENT Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the meeting adjourn at 8:56 P.M. The motion passed unanimously.