Monday, April 15, 2024
Hoffman Estates Branch
6:00 P.M., Meeting Room


President Seyring called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 



Theresa Seyring, President; Carole Pye, Vice President/Secretary; Emily Gilbert, Treasurer and Amy Mueller.  
Trustee Bernas joined the meeting at 6:04 P.M. 
Trustee Forte joined the meeting at 7:41 P.M.  


Trustee John Caporale 


Muhammad Arshad and Shivani Patel


Allison Bies, Aaron Bock, Julie Doren, David Hardt, Annie Miskewitch, Paul Piraino, Michala Sage, Jason Santos, Molly Scheibler, Bobbi Sloan and Beth Valenziano  


Public comments were heard. 


Trustee Mueller commented on the Library's important role in the community during the Spring and Summer seasons. She appreciated all the staff who continued to serve the community during the long renovation. 
Trustee Gilbert commented on the solar eclipse event at Harper College. She highlighted ALA’s release of the most challenged titles in 2023, with over half dealing with LGBTQ+ themes. Trustee 
Gilbert requested continued attention to the books and programming featuring LGBTQ+, black, indigenous, and people of color who are consistently challenged.  
Trustee Pye commented on the renovation. She thanked the board for their approval of the gift of the Martyl Langsdorf triptych. Trustee Pye highlighted other institutions exhibiting Martyl Langsdorf's art installations, including the University of Chicago, Fermilab, and Schaumburg’s Prairie Center for the Arts. She enjoyed the Trustee Forum with Strategic Plan consultant Amanda Standerfer. Trustee Pye learned that reviewing local Park District surveys can be a valuable tool for libraries to gauge if community needs are being met. 
Trustee Bernas visited the Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary and noted that their nature-oriented library could benefit from a partnership with the Library for materials. She thanked staff for including Board members in signing up for summer programs and the Schaumburg Farmer’s Market pop-up table.  

RAILS – Trustee Mueller



Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that:  
The March 18, 2024, Library Art Committee Meeting minutes, the March 18, 2024, Library Board Meeting minutes, and the April 8, 2024, Library Art Committee minutes be approved. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.  


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that: 
The Library Board approve the March 2024 Bill List. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.   


Trustee Gilbert reviewed the financial reports, making note of balances in the various funds. The General Fund's balance sheet increased by approximately $6 million due to revenues exceeding expenses. She also highlighted a few line items and discussed why they are currently above or below budget. She also gave an update on the status of various Library investments.  
Discussion included adjustments to be made to percentage calculations for the previous year and the current year's actuals. 


There will be an Executive Session under Section 2(c), (01) and Section 2(c), (05). 


SATs Muhammad Arshad and Shivani Patel presented an updated presentation and shared it with Librarians and Career Counselors. They highlighted Libby and Hoopla's free e-book programs, the Plant Swap event and geode paintings. Volunteer Squad applications have opened.   
Discussion included Arshad’s announcement that this was his last board meeting, and he expressed his appreciation for the work involved in running the Library. The Trustees thanked him for his contributions and wished him well in his future educational endeavors. 

Trustee Seyring reminded fellow Trustees to sign up for Library events. She commented on the death of ‘Babar the Elephant’ author Laurent de Brunhoff and the legacy of his and his father’s work. 


Executive Director Miskewitch shared highlights from the March 2024 Director’s Report.  
Discussion included the status of department budget meetings; staff moving into their new spaces; and the return of Coffee with the Trustees in September. Trustee Bernas commented on public safety, and Executive Director Miskewitch mentioned consideration of purchasing a BluePoint Alert System. 

Executive Director Miskewitch shared highlights from the March 2024 Director’s Report.  
Discussion included the status of department budget meetings; staff moving into their new spaces; and the return of Coffee with the Trustees in September. Trustee Bernas commented on public safety, and Executive Director Miskewitch mentioned consideration of purchasing a BluePoint Alert System. 


Art Committee – Chair Seyring 
Trustee Seyring reported Art Committee members met with Mr. Friedman via Zoom to discuss the donor wall design and language. He will implement the Committee’s requested changes to the proposal for review and feedback.  
Discussion included the Trustees' approval of the donor wall design rendering. Executive Director Miskewitch confirmed installation is planned for June. Chair Seyring stated the Nominating Committee will meet in May to recommend Officer positions for the following FY. 


Hoffman Estates Branch Manager Michala Sage presented highlights and changes at the Branch location, including current projects, training, outreach, and future plans.  
Discussion included the location and installation date for the Percussion Play musical instruments. Trustee Bernas asked about staff feedback on what distinguishes the Branches from the Central location. 




Review of Proposed Tax Levy and Appropriation Calendar FY24-25 
The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed Tax Levy and Appropriation Calendar FY24-25. 
Approval of Non-Resident Participation and Fee Method (Annual)  

Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Pye seconded approval to participate in the non-resident fee program and to use the Tax Bill Method for determining rate. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.   
Approval of Retaining ATA Group LLP for One Additional Year
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded approval to retain ATA Group LLP for one additional year. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.   
Discussion included the rationale for retaining ATA Group LLP for an additional year, including a shortage of auditors in the government sector. In addition, ATA Group LLP’s documentation of the renovation costs through the previous fiscal year would result in a reduction of audit costs as compared to using a new audit firm. Trustee Bernas asked about potential cost savings by entering into a multi-year plan with a vendor. 
Approval of Recommended ILS Migration to Clarivate Library Software Group/Innovative 
Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded approval of the recommendation to migrate ILS to Clarivate Library Software Group/Innovate. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.   
Discussion included a review of the rubric used to select the vendor recommendation, including pricing, services, and features.  
Approval of Payment for Custom Donor Wall Invoice from Friedman Fine Art in the amount of $28,150.00 
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded approval of payment for a custom donor wall invoice from Friedman Fine Art in the amount of $28,150.00. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.   
Approval of Payment to Krueger International, Inc. in the amounts of $19,678.50 and $16,116.40 for a collective $35,794.90 
Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded approval of payment to Krueger International, Inc. in the amounts of $19,678.50 and $16,116.40 for a collective $35,794.90. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.   
Approval of Invoices as Presented by Featherstone, Inc. 
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to L.J. Morse Construction Company in the amount of $66,790.99; Lange Bros. Woodwork, Co., Inc. in the amount of $214,425.06; LaForce, LLC. In the amount of $84,303.63; Prime Architectural Metal and Glass in the amount of $32,743.33; Diverzify Pro, LLC. in the amount of $116,701.34; 
Ascher Brothers Co., Inc. in the amount of $68,447.96; Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Co. in the amount of $26,841.09; Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $80,304.78; Airport Electric Company in the amount of $87,108.63 and Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $36,668.87. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 
Discussion included changes to how payments are being processed.  
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the Library Board move into Executive Session under sections 2(c), (01) and 2(c), (05) at 7:31 P.M. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the Library Board exit Executive Session at 7:41 P.M. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 
Approval for Remote Attendance and Participation of Trustee Forte
Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded approval for the remote attendance and participation of Trustee Forte. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 
Trustee Anita Forte joined the meeting remotely at 7:41 P.M. due to a work commitment.  
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the Library Board move into Executive Session under sections 2(c), (01) and 2(c), (05) at 7:41 P.M. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes  
Trustee Forte  Yes             
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Pye seconded the Library Board exit Executive Session at 8:30 P.M. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes 
Trustee Forte  Yes              
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 
The Board requested a Special Meeting be scheduled to continue discussions in Executive Session under Section 2(c), (01). 
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the meeting adjourn at 8:36 P.M. 
Roll Call Vote:  
Trustee Gilbert Yes 
Trustee Bernas Yes  
Trustee Forte  Yes             
Trustee Mueller Yes 
Trustee Pye  Yes 
Trustee Seyring Yes 
The motion passed unanimously.