Monday, March 18, 2024
Central Library
6:00 P.M., Workshop
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL President Seyring called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Theresa Seyring, President; Carole Pye, Vice President/Secretary; Emily Gilbert, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas and Anita Forte. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Trustee John Caporale and Trustee Amy Mueller STUDENT ADVISORY TRUSTEES PRESENT Muhammad Arshad and Shivani Patel OTHERS PRESENT Aaron Bock, Julie Doren, Joe Driskell, David Hardt, Anne Miskewitch, Paul Piraino, Tom Pritchett, Jason Santos, Molly Scheibler and Beth Valenziano PUBLIC COMMENTS None BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Bernas highlighted the FYTD circulation statistic that’s almost at two million items circulated provided in Executive Director Miskewitch’s report. She shared that the Facilities & Equipment Committee is still looking for a date to meet. Trustee Bernas commented on completing the One Book, One Community (OBOC) bookand thought this was a good selection for our reading community. . She expressed interest in providing Trustees with opportunities to sign-up for future Library pop-up events. Trustee Gilbert commented on enjoying the OBOC author event on Sunday, attending the Library’s Annual In-Service Day, and her appreciation of the new Be Kind exhibit. She highlighted data provided by ALA about book bans in 2023. Trustee Gilbert encouraged her fellow Trustees to watch the recorded webinar Library Boards and Intellectual Freedom on the iLead Trustee Learning Portal. Trustee Pye commented on enjoying the article Reading Between the Bots in the American Libraries magazine. She highlighted ALA’s five new core values: access, equity, intellectual freedom, privacy, and the public good. Trustee Pye provided examples of the Library’s commitment to the public good. Trustee Forte expressed regret at her inability to attend several recent events due to illness: the Hanover Park Black History Month Celebration, Library staff In-Service Day and the OBOC author visit. She commented on attending the virtual webinar provided by the Library Trustee Forum Spring Workshop - Inclusive Placemaking: Understanding the Power of an Accessible Library for All. RAILS – Trustee Mueller None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Pye seconded that: The February 12, 2024, Library Art Committee Meeting minutes and the February 19, 2024 Library Board Meeting minutes be approved. Discussion included a requested edit to Trustee Bernas’ comments. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Forte seconded that: The Library Board approve the February 2024 Bill List. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT Trustee Gilbert reviewed the financial reports, making note of balances in the various funds. On the balance sheet, the General Fund increased by approximately $1 million due to revenues exceeding expenses. She also highlighted a few line items and discussed why they are above or below budget at this time. She also gave an update on the status of various Library investments. Discussion included adjustments to be made to percentage calculations for the previous year and the current year actuals. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There will be an Executive Session under Section 2(c), (11). STUDENT ADVISORY TRUSTEE REPORT SAT Muhammad Arshad presented an update on March and early April events. The SATs shared the presentation and highlighted events with school librarians and career counselors, including the solar eclipse pickup program, the Seed Library, and the Staying Safe in the Digital Space event. Discussion included that SAT Muhammad Arshad will be unable to attend the May Board meeting due to it conflicting with his graduation day. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Trustee Seyring commented on the content of the virtual webinar offered by the Library Trustee Forum Spring Workshop - Inclusive Placemaking: Understanding the Power of an Accessible Library for All, and the essential role of libraries meeting community needs. She attended Hoffman Estates Mayor McLeod’s State of the Village. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Miskewitch shared highlights from the February 2024 Director’s Report. Discussion included Executive Director Miskewitch’s recommendation to delay the hiring of a new auditor for one year for ease of transition due to the renovation. This recommendation will be on the April Board Meeting agenda for formal Board approval. DEPUTY DIRECTOR’S REPORT Deputy Director Scheibler shared highlights from the February 2024 Deputy Director’s and Public Services Report. She shared a copy of the newly updated Disaster Plan booklet. COMMITTEE REPORTS Art Committee – Chair Seyring Trustee Seyring reported Art Committee members met with Mr. Friedman via Zoom to discuss the donor wall design. He will implement the Committee’s requested changes to the proposal for review and feedback. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Discussion of Cook County United Against Hate The Board discussed the Cook County United Against Hate initiative. Trustees requested additional information about the initiative. Executive Director Miskewitch will follow up. Discussion of RFP Process for Integrated Library System (ILS) Access Services and Interim Circulation Director Aaron Bock presented a high-level overview of the Library’s current ILS software features and compared it to the ILS software features of Polaris and Vega III/Clarivate. An RFP was crafted months back soliciting proposal requests from other providers, including our current one, to assess improved functions to increase efficiencies and streamline processes with considerations to cost for our ILS. Discussion included enhancements to the interface, the availability of predictive text to help with patron search functions, the criteria utilized for rating vendors, and the rationale for not going with the lowest price. Director Bock will share out the matrix for scoring at the next Board meeting when seeking formal approval. Trustee Bernas requested to see what we are currently investing right now to understand the financials. Trustee Pye asked about references and experiences from other libraries, In this discussion, Executive Director Miskewitch wanted everyone to contextually understand what an ILS is and to visually see what we are trying to improve upon and how we can enhance not only the patron experience, but also our staff experience for their work. Executive Director Miskewitch asked the Board to think about what other questions they may have as we try to move forward on this knowing that this is a big change. It was noted that our current ILS contract ends at the end of July and a migration will take 3-4 months once we officially move forward. Other discussions on security; mobile apps; integration and training were also discussed Approval of Fund Balance Policy Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Bernas seconded to approve the updated Fund Balance Policy. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Discussion included a correction to the bullet point formatting of the final paragraph. Approval of Invoices as Presented by Featherstone, Inc. Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to L.J. Morse Construction Company in the amount of $204,299.46; Lange Bros. Woodwork, Co., Inc. in the amount of $39,969.68; Prime Architectural Metal and Glass in the amount of $80,708.40; Integrated Specialty Contractors, LLC in the amount of $65,433.02; Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Co. in the amount of $28,758.55; Airport Electric Company in the amount of $210,837.17 and Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $60,089.92. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Discussion included changes to how payments are being processed. OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS EXECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Forte seconded that: The Library Board enter into Executive Session under Section 2(c), (11) at 7:19 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Pye seconded that: The Library Board exit Executive Session at 7:39 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Trustee Gilbert Yes Trustee Bernas Yes Trustee Forte Yes Trustee Pye Yes Trustee Seyring Yes The motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Pye seconded that: The Library Board adjourn regular session at 7:40 P.M. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.