Monday, August 22, 2022
Central Library Workshop (or view online via Zoom)
7:00 P.M.


Vice-President Julie Wroblewski Bosshart called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.



Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Anita Forte-Scott, Emily Gilbert, Amy Mueller, Carole Pye


Jillian Bernas, President


Ameenah Zawahir


David Hardt, Jennifer Hunt, Sarah Kochan, Annie Miskewitch, Jason Santos, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Bobbi Sloan, Beth Valenziano


Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Pye seconded that the Board enter into the Public Hearing for the proposed Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.

Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion included a review of the timeline of the budget process.

Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board exit the Public Hearing for the proposed Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.



Bobbi Sloan appreciates the electronics recycling drive happening at the Library. She commented on lack of enforcement for not allowing dogs at the Town Square Concerts. Ms. Sloan felt the concerts were well attended and enjoyed the variety of genres. She also noted an improved quality of adult programs, though she would like to see a return of bus trips.


Trustee Gilbert found a tutorial video on the Library’s YouTube channel on how to use the SimpleScans and was able to use the equipment on her own. She’s been keeping a close eye on intellectual freedom news from ALA and appreciates the staff’s efforts for inclusive and representative collections.

Trustee Pye appreciates the hybrid option for programs. She took a tour of the non-fiction and reference collections with Reference Service Director Magan Szwarek and learned a lot about these items. She continues to notice ‘Library of Things’ items and has interacted with patrons who really appreciate this collection. She offered some thoughts to help spread the word about the ‘Library of Things’ for ease of finding. Mrs. Pye shared she has read about other libraries that offer escape rooms and thought teens might enjoy those.

Trustee Forte-Scott has new neighbors from Japan and she brought them to the Library to get their cards and to give them a tour. They are already using the Library regularly and enjoying all the collections and services. She offered congratulations to John Ericson on his upcoming retirement. Ms. Forte-Scott thanked Trustee Pye for information about the historical society’s upcoming tour of barns in the Township.

Treasurer Seyring also heard much feedback about this being a great season of Town Square Concerts. She also toured the non-fiction and reference collections with Trustee Pye and learned a lot of new information. She attended a Zoom presentation from ALA about diversity training and shared key takeaways from the session.

Vice-President Wroblewski Bosshart attended a webinar from ILA about disaster planning and shared her key takeaways. Next week, ILA will offer a webinar about planning for the long-term financial future of libraries. She also shared an article about Poplar Creek Library’s memory care center, offering resources for individuals trying to improve their memory and their caregivers.

RAILS - Ms. Gilbert



Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Forte-Scott seconded that:

The July 18, 2022 Regular Board Minutes be approved.

There was no discussion.

The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Forte-Scott seconded that:

The Library Board approve the July 2022 Bill List.

Discussion included clarification of highlighted items, which are coming from the Building and Equipment fund.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer Seyring reviewed the balances of the various funds. She noted revenues in June were primarily from investment income. Mrs. Seyring discussed various expense categories, comparing spending to what was budgeted and to the previous fiscal year. She reviewed investment maturities and how those relate to cash flow for the coming renovation.

Discussion included correction of a typo.


There will be no President’s Report and no Executive Session. The request for new business item number three has been withdrawn.


Executive Director Miskewitch answered questions regarding her written report, including staffing, the renovation timeline, specific expenses, personnel listings in the packet, upcoming elections and upcoming events. Trustees appreciated the links and resources she provided to keep Trustees informed of library news.

Ms. Miskewitch shared a video from ALA titled “Emerging Leaders: Diversity in Library Boards, Friends and Foundations – Success and Struggle in Recruiting and Retaining.”


Deputy Director Hunt highlighted some areas from her written report including work on the strategic plan, the receipt of the Project Next Generation Grant, and some of the great work that happened this summer including the Summer Challenge, exhibit, Pop-Up Library and Town Square Concerts.

Ms. Hunt answered questions about the Summer Challenge, virtual tours of all Library locations, the strategic plan and persistent login from our website and some databases.


Marketing & Communication – Hollis Sienkiewicz

Marketing and Communications Director Hollis Sienkiewicz gave a brief overview of the department, then shared a highlight reel of promotional videos created since her last report.

Ms. Sienkiewicz answered questions about renovation communication, social media, video and the Guide.


SAT Ameenah is already busy reaching out to school librarians to share information about what’s happening for teens at the Library.

Treasurer Seyring noted there are three candidates who have applied and interviews will be happening soon.


Treasurer Seyring noted there will be an art committee meeting in the near future.

Discussion included members of the art committee and the posting of notice of the meeting so others can be in attendance.




Review and Approval of Ordinance No. 2021-2022-5: Amending Appropriations Ordinance for FY 2021-2022

Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve Ordinance No. 2021-2022-5: Amending Appropriations Ordinance for FY 2021-2022.

Discussion included clarification of the ordinance being amended and what is being addressed with the amendment.

Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.

Review and Approval of SD54 request for use of Combined Rasmussen room for 10/19/22

Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Pye seconded that the Board approve the SD54 request for use of Combined Rasmussen room for 10/19/22.

Discussion included review of policy regarding approval of public use of the combined Rasmussen Room.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously


Approval of Final FY2022-2023 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance

Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve the Final FY2022-2023 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance.

There was no discussion.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the 2022 Tentative Property Tax Levy (Memorandum)

Treasurer Seyring moved and Trustee Pye seconded that the Board approve the 2022 Tentative Property Tax Levy (Memorandum).

Discussion included clarification of the memorandum, including whether or not to merge the levies for the audit and liability insurance. Finance Director Valenziano noted she will remove the tentative language when filing the document for final submission.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of 2021-2022 Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR)

Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve the 2021-2022 Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR).

Trustees thanked Deputy Director Hunt for her work on the report. Discussion included clarification that this report helps secure the annual Per Capita funding.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.

Review of and Approval to vacate Face Mask Policy

Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve to vacate Face Mask Policy.

There was no discussion.


Roll Call Vote:

Mrs. Seyring                           Yes

Ms. Forte-Scott                       Yes

Ms. Gilbert                              Yes

Mrs. Mueller                           Yes

Mrs. Pye                                  Yes

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart     Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded the meeting adjourn at 8:30 P.M.

The motion passed unanimously.