Monday, March 21, 2022 
Central Library Workshop (or view online via Zoom) 
7:00 P.M. 


President Jillian Bernas called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  



Jillian Bernas, President, Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Anita Forte-Scott, Emily Gilbert, Amy Mueller, Carole Pye 


Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, Vice-President/Secretary 


Ameenah Zawahir 


Araha Uday 


Jennifer Hunt, Annie Miskewitch, Kathy Morgan, Jason Santos, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Gail Tobin, Beth Valenziano 




Treasurer Seyring enjoyed the One Book, One Community event with author Brit Bennett. She also attended the in-service day and felt it was an excellent day of learning for staff. She also attended the ILA Trustee workshop and felt that was a terrific event. She shared takeaways from all events. 

Trustee Pye felt the One Book, One Community event was a wonderful, worthwhile event for the community. She noted she plans to attend next year’s staff in-service event. She felt the ILA Trustee workshop was an excellent workshop, especially as a newer Trustee. Trustee Pye gave kudos to the staff who put together the Women’s History Month display celebrating local women of Schaumburg. She also met a Ukrainian couple who donated $900 worth of new clothing to the Library’s collection of supplies to support the people of Ukraine. She also attended the Hoffman Estates village update and met with Business Liaison Librarian Patti Smolin and learned about her role at the Library. Finally, Trustee Pye noted there are many new residents moving to Schaumburg Township, presenting opportunities for new cardholders. 

Trustee Gilbert attended the ILA trustee training and appreciated all the information presented. She received her Library Box and loved the custom selection staff made for her. She also gave kudos to the staff who created the Women’s History Month display. 

Trustee Forte-Scott noted that previous One Book, One Community selection Pachinko will be a limited series on Apple+, starting later this month. She is excited to see how they interpret that story.  

Trustee Mueller was excited to learn about author Jenny Lawson through the upcoming Illinois Libraries Present event, and looks forward to reading her books. She noted the Library’s collection of supplies for the people of Ukraine was universally well supported. She felt the ILA Reporter this month showed interesting information about other libraries that have been renovated recently. 

RAILS - Ms. Gilbert 



Trustee Mueller moved and Treasurer Gilbert seconded that: 

The February 21, 2022 Regular Board Minutes be approved. 

There was no discussion. 

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that:

The Library Board approve the February 2022 Bill List. 

Discussion included clarification of some charges. 


Roll Call Vote: 

Mrs. Seyring Yes  

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes 

Ms. Gilbert Yes 

Mrs. Mueller Yes 

Mrs. Pye Yes 

Ms. Bernas Yes 


The motion passed unanimously. 



Treasurer Seyring reviewed the balances of the various funds. She compared revenues and expenses to budget projections for the fiscal year, and also compared them to the previous year. She gave updates on investments and cash flows. 


There will be an executive session under sections 2(c)21, 2(c)01, and 2(c)05. 


President Bernas directed Trustees’ attention to an email she sent earlier in the day with the Executive Director evaluation form. She explained the process to use the digital form and noted the various sections included in the evaluation. She asked that responses be submitted by Monday, April 11, 2022. The April board meeting will include an executive session to discuss the evaluation. Trustees were asked to direct any questions to President Bernas. 


Executive Director Annie Miskewitch highlighted some items from her written report, including budget items over $10,000, some statistics and personnel needs. She recently attended the Town Square Association meeting and noted there will be an increase in association dues next year, which will be accounted for in the budget proposal for FY 22-23. Trustees were directed to complete their Statement of Economic Interest filing per the emailed instructions. Ms. Miskewitch also mentioned the ILA Reporter articles about renovations and land acknowledgements. She noted several staff members will be attending the Public Libraries Association Conference this week. Last week, several staff members participated in a volunteer event with Feed My Starving Children. She thanked everyone involved in the supply drive for Ukraine for all their assistance. Ms. Miskewitch noted staff have access to the Calm app for free through the Library for one year, in support of employee’s mental health care. She noted there are upcoming ILA trustee workshops about director evaluations and budgets and encouraged Trustees to attend. 

Executive Director Miskewitch answered questions about the new cleaning service. Trustee Pye mentioned social media opportunities for libraries, inspired by an ALA article. President Bernas reminded Trustees the meeting will be at the Hoffman Estates Branch next month. 


Deputy Director Jennifer Hunt thanked everyone who attended the One Book, One Community event, both in-person and virtually. She noted there will be a recap of One Book, One Community in the April board packet. She called out some items in her written report, including the new Coming Soon page on the website and the Seed Library. 

Deputy Director Hunt answered questions about the Repair Café concept and the online program about Ukraine. 


Circulation Department – Kathy Morgan 

Circulation Director Kathy Morgan shared some highlights from her written report, including staff comradery, database cleanup projects, new cardholders, new shelving for Library Boxes, additional Pick-Up Lockers, new staff, increased cross-training, and more. She answered questions about the D211 student intern program and renewal programs for passports and licenses that some libraries offer. 


Student Advisory Trustee Report 

SAT Ameenah shared that the SATs updated their PowerPoint presentation for the schools. They’ve also been promoting specific Library programs at their schools, especially the volunteer opportunities. 


President Bernas reviewed proposed budget committee meeting dates with Trustees. She noted the consensus from the poll is to hold the meetings on May 23, 24 and 25, 2022, with food provided in advance of the meetings that will begin at 6:00 p.m. 


Approval of Non-Resident Fee Method (annual) 

Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Pye seconded that the Board approve the non-resident fee method, an annual approval for the Board. 

Discussion included how many people utilize this option. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Mrs. Seyring Yes  

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes 

Ms. Gilbert Yes 

Mrs. Mueller Yes 

Mrs. Pye Yes 

Ms. Bernas Yes 

The motion passed unanimously. 


Approval of Combined Rasmussen Room Use on April 20, 2022, for School District 54. 

Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve the use of the combined Rasmussen Room on April 20, 2022, for School District 54. 

There was no discussion. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Mrs. Seyring Yes  

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes 

Ms. Gilbert Yes 

Mrs. Mueller Yes 

Mrs. Pye Yes 

Ms. Bernas Yes 

The motion passed unanimously. 


Discussion of 2nd Floor Renovation Concept 

President Bernas reminded Trustees being good stewards of the Library’s financial resources and physical spaces are important roles they fill. Executive Miskewitch noted she is asking for a go-ahead on the general concept of the project – the budget, scope and design will change through conversations with the architects. President Bernas asked Trustees to discuss if they are comfortable with the concept as-is, or if they’d prefer the budget and/or scope of the project being reduced, and by how much. 

Trustees discussed the budget of the proposed renovation, the needs of the community, timing of the project and possible trade-offs to save money and ensure the Library’s reserves are not depleted. 

Executive Director Miskewitch noted the next step is to sign an agreement to move forward with the architects with further board approval. Trustees discussed general next steps and the renovation process. 

Approval of Conceptual Plan for 2nd Floor Renovation 

Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve the conceptual plan for the 2nd floor renovation. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Mrs. Seyring Yes  

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes 

Ms. Gilbert Yes 

Mrs. Mueller No 

Mrs. Pye Yes 

Ms. Bernas No 

The motion passed. \

Discussion and distribution of Library Executive Director Evaluation Form and Evaluation Timeline 

President Bernas reiterated information stated in her President’s Report regarding the Executive Director Evaluation Form. 


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded the Library Board move into Executive Session under sections 2(c)21, 2(c)01 and 2(c)05 at 9:32 P.M. 


Roll Call Vote: 

Mrs. Seyring Yes  

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes 

Ms. Gilbert Yes 

Mrs. Mueller Yes 

Mrs. Pye Yes 

Ms. Bernas Yes 

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Forte-Scott seconded the Library Board exit executive session at 9:54 P.M. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Mrs. Seyring Yes 

Ms. Forte-Scott Yes 

Ms. Gilbert Yes 

Mrs. Mueller Yes 

Mrs. Pye Yes 

Ms. Bernas Yes 

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Seyring seconded approval of closed meeting minutes from March 9, 2020; December 14, 2020; July 19, 2021; October 18, 2021; and November 15, 2021 

The motion passed unanimously.  



Trustee Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the meeting adjourn at 9:56 P.M. 

The motion passed unanimously.