Jane Rozek
Library Databases
Chicago Tribune Archive (1860 – 1984)
Discover images of the front page as it appeared from early 1900 through 1984. Obituaries and death notices are available from 1860 to 1984, as well clippings indexed by Tribune staff from major stories and events from the 1920s through 1984.
Read full-text articles from academic journals, books and primary sources across many different fields, including the arts, humanities and sciences.
Research your family history with primary documents from the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I and World War II. Fold3 requires that Library patrons register for a free personal account in order to use some functions within the database.
Early American Newspapers (formerly Genealogy Bank)
Research your family history with historical newspapers from 1690-1922, local history books and genealogies, military records and more.
New York Times (current and historical)
Search full-text articles starting from 1851.
Newspaper Archive
Find full-text articles from more than 400 newspapers across the United States, including the Daily Herald back to 1901.
Black Life in America
The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.
Hispanic Life in America
The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1700 to today.
History Reference Center
Access full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents covering topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century.
Chicagoland and Illinois Resources
Explore this collaboration of many Chicago-area organizations, archiving the city's history and culture.
Use research materials on the history of Chicago and the Midwest, including settlement, growth and politics.
Visit Chicago Public Library in person to access its four special collections or use their online resources.
Chicago History Museum Image Archive
Discover over 200,000 images from the History Museum’s renowned collection.
Access their online catalog, the content of the magazine Chicago History and The Encyclopedia of Chicago, as well as portals to some of their collections.
Find tips on where to find collections about Black Chicago between the 1930s and 1970s.
University of Illinois at Chicago's Image Collections
View more than 60,000 digitized images from the university library's archives.
Learn Illinois history through archived photographs, letters, postcards and posters.
View the digital image collections of Illinois universities all in one site.
Explore special collections digitized over the past decade by academic and research libraries.
More Resources
Search full text or metadata of scholarly literature across a variety of publishing formats and disciplines.
Library of Congress Research Guides
A new guide from the Library of Congress with tips on research inspiration, definitions for primary and secondary sources (with examples), strategies for searching those sources, and suggestions on citing resources appropriately. If you're feeling stuck or need extra help, you can contact a Library of Congress reference specialist.
Explore this index that includes over 25 million research articles and other scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive.
Find free eBooks, including older works for which copyright has expired.
Read books and magazines, download them, cite them and translate them. Some books are provided by publishers, while others are scanned as part of a Google project.
Access cultural records digitized through a partnership of major research institutions and libraries.
View an archive of numerous formats — web pages, books, audio recordings, videos, images and software programs.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
Search the Library of Congress for newspapers from 1789-1963, or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
A curated selection of approximately 1,600 primary sources for anyone studying U.S. Black history.
Explore texts, images, videos and sounds from across the United States.
Primary documents (letters, photographs, speeches, posters, maps, videos and more) spanning the course of American history.
Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives
Access descriptions of personal papers, manuscripts, photographs, oral histories, films and more from the Smithsonian Institution.