Did you know the Library has books in 11 different languages besides English? Our World Languages Collection has more than 9,000 books in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Gujarati, Hindi, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian and Urdu.

It's just one of the special collections we have to meet patrons' needs. Librarian Suzanne Boudreau orders World Language titles and she takes her job very seriously.

When she found out that a student in an English as a Second Language class would be visiting Japan, Suzanne had her scope out the books on display in a Tokyo bookstore!

"I will use every angle I can to try and see what's popular," Suzanne said.

For some languages, the books come from local vendors in Chicago. But for others like Gujarati and Hindi, they come from New Delhi, India. Chinese titles also get shipped in from China — and can take months to arrive!


We have books in:

You can find the World Languages Collection on the Second Floor of the Central Library. Do you have a book you'd like to see added to the World Languages Collection? Suggest a purchase.

Looking for children's books? We have titles in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and more.


If you're looking for online resources in other languages, we have those, too! You'll just need your Schaumburg Library card. Log in to OverDrive (Libby is the app you'll need if you're on your phone/tablet) or Hoopla. You can conduct an advanced search and select language from the drop-down list to see items in a particular language.

Newspapers & Magazines

Find international newspapers and magazines with our digital newsstand, PressReader. We also have a print collection, including magazines in Korean and The Korea Times, plus additional titles in other languages.

Movies & TV shows

For movies, we have DVDs and Blu-rays in more than 50 languages. We have streaming options too; check out Kanopy's extensive World Cinema collection. Hoopla also has movies and shows — just use the filter to select the language.

Language Learning

Take lessons in more than 70 different languages, including Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Korean with Mango or Pronunciator.