Monday, September 18, 2023

Central Library Workshop (or view online via Zoom)

6:00 P.M.





President Seyring called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.






Theresa Seyring, President; Carole Pye, Vice President/Secretary; Emily Gilbert, Treasurer; John Caporale, Anita Forte and Amy Mueller.


Trustee Bernas joined the meeting at 6:01 p.m.








Muhammad Arshad and Jamie Caracas



Julie Doren, Dave Hardt, Annie Miskewitch, Tom Pritchett, Paul Piraino, Jason Santos, Molly Scheibler, Bobbi Sloan, Lori Teipel, Beth Valenziano




Public comments were heard.




Trustee Pye expressed that seeing staff and colleagues at community engagement opportunities, including the Labor Day parade and the Legislative Luncheon, has been great. Cook County Board of Commissioners President Toni Preckwinkle stopped by the Library’s Farmers’ Market pop-up table. Trustee Pye recognized Executive Director Miskewitch had proactively supplied information on the recent spate of threats at area libraries in the August Board meeting packet. Trustee Pye congratulated Finance Director Beth Valenziano on her eighth year of employment with the Library.


Trustee Gilbert met with patrons and made buttons at the Library’s pop-up booth at Septemberfest with HR Director Piraino and Circulation Assistant Cheryl Freeze. She attended the very informative Legislative Luncheon. Trustee Gilbert expressed a message of solidarity with Library staff’s recent experiences and gratitude for continuing to provide services the next day, demonstrating grace under stress with the recent bomb threat.


Trustee Bernas apologized for her late arrival to the Board meeting. She expressed her gratitude and appreciation for the professionalism Library leadership and staff displayed over the previous week, demonstrating they were well prepared in their response to such an event. Trustee Bernas is thankful for the opportunity to be out in the community and meet patrons where they are, such as the pop-up table at the Farmers’ Market and the 2023 Run to Read event at Dirksen School in Schaumburg.


Trustee Caporale participated in the Labor Day parade, his second parade since joining the Board of Trustees. He echoed fellow Trustee sentiment about the handling of the unfortunate bomb threat. Trustee Caporale is looking forward to the opening of the Time Capsule.


Trustee Forte thanked everyone for allowing her to remotely attend last month’s Board meeting due to a work commitment. She commended staff for their professionalism and conduct during last Tuesday’s incident. Trustee Forte arrived at the Library soon after the building had been evacuated, waiting with some members of the Administrative team for the police and bomb sniffing dog to give an all clear of the building. Trustee Forte enjoyed the Legislative Luncheon with fellow colleagues where she learned good information. She is looking forward to the opening of the Time Capsule. Trustee Forte encouraged everyone to register for the virtual Book Challenges on the Rise: Support Your Freedom to Read on October 2. The program features Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias and former STDL Director, now RAILS Executive Director Monica Harris.


Trustee Mueller expressed her belief that the idea of threats to libraries are linked to book bans and to not let them shut our freedoms down and not let them scare us into submission. She viewed the second-floor remodel pictures on the Library’s Facebook page and is excited to see real progress.


RAILS – Trustee Mueller






Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:


The August 28, 2023 Library Board Meeting Minutes be approved.


The motion passed unanimously.




Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that:


The Library Board approve the August 2023 Bill List.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  




Trustee Gilbert reviewed the financial reports, making note of balances in the various funds. On the balance sheet, the General Fund decreased by approximately $1.2 million due to expenses exceeding revenues. She also highlighted a few line items and discussed why they are above or below budget at this time, and gave an update on the status of various Library investments.


Discussion included portfolio investment activity and staffing as it affects the budget.




There will not be an Executive Session.




SATs Muhammad Arshad and Jamie Caracas shared an updated presentation of September and early October programming with school librarians and Career Advisors. They reported on upcoming events for high schools including homecoming and a fall blood drive.

Discussion included Trustee Forte proposing a pop-up event with the Library van at football games.



Trustee Seyring marched in the Labor Day parade with a beautifully decorated Library van. She commented on the wonderful crowds and enthusiasm for the Library. Trustee Seyring hosted the Library’s Pop-Up table at the Farmers’ Market and received many nice comments from people. She also attended the Schaumburg Township Disability Fair on Saturday morning with Executive Director Miskewitch and Outreach Associate Sandy Kurth. Trustee Seyring complimented staff on the professional handling of directing patrons during the bomb threat. She thanked Schaumburg police for handling the situation efficiently. Trustee Seyring credited Executive Director Miskewitch with making a good call clearing the building and bringing in police for confirmation. Trustee Seyring requested her fellow Trustees share words of support with staff working during the remodel. She also reminded Trustees of the importance of signing up for pop-up events.




Executive Director Miskewitch highlighted items in her report, including applauding staff for their professional handling of last Tuesday and showing up Wednesday ready to serve. She recognized change has been a constant since 2020 with COVID through the current renovation.  Trustee Gilbert stated the Bortal is great and useful, while recognizing it has to be maintained. Executive Director Miskewitch welcomes feedback on the Bortal. Trustee Pye likes the gains made on the Library’s social media platforms. She questioned if staff receive feedback on comments provided in the Board packet. Executive Director Miskewitch stated staff should be informed by department managers. Trustee Bernas recommended free online tours of the water treatment plant  and believes the life cycle of water would make a great educational program.




Deputy Director Scheibler commended staff on their handling of the bomb threat. She met with the Person in Charge (PIC) group reviewing Library coverage and handling bomb threats. Included in next month’s board packet will be a new public services report tied to the Strategic Plan.




Fiction, Movies & Music – Lori Teipel


Fiction, Movies & Music Director Teipel presented an overview of the department’s newest materials, services and programs.












Approval of Bill Payment to Prime Architectural Metal and Glass in the amount of $36,315.00


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Forte seconded that the Board approve payment to Prime Architectural Metal and Glass in the amount of $36,315.00


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Bill Payment to Diverzify Pro, LLC in the amount of $40,057.86


Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Pye seconded that the Board approve payment to Diverzify Pro, LLC in the amount of $40,057.86.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Discussion included clarification of the financial status of the second-floor remodel.


Approval of Bill Payment to Integrated Specialty Contactors, LLC in the amount of $94,800.60


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to Integrated Specialty Contactors, LLC in the amount of $94,800.60.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Bill Payment to Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $25,402.81


Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $25,402.81.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Payment to Airport Electric Company in the amount of $352,754.06


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Airport Electric Company in the amount of $352,754.06.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Bill Payment to Applied Communications Group, Inc. in the amount of $66,789.90


Trustee Pye moved and Trustee Caporale seconded that the Board approve payment to Applied Communications Group, Inc. in the amount of $66,789.90.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $47,798.80


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that the Board approve payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $47,798.80.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Bill Payment to Bradford Systems in the amount of $25,221.26


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Forte seconded that the Board approve payment to Bradford Systems in the amount of $25,221.26.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of the Independent Contractors Agreement and its attachments with TK Elevator Corporation for modernization services for an amount not to exceed $146,659.82 with initial progress payment of $73,329.91 to be approved and paid


Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Independent Contractors Agreement and its attachments with TK Elevator Corporation for modernization services for an amount not to exceed $146,659.82 with initial progress payment of $73,329.91.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Discussion included modernization versus replacement of the elevator and the start and finish dates listed in the contract. It was noted the documentation provided by the vendor was not as polished as desired. Director Miskewitch acknowledged and agreed, and mentioned it has been challenging to connect and receive needed documentation from the company with extreme lack of follow through on their part. She has been in consult with our lawyers and our architects to review all correspondence.


Approval of Bill Payment to Interiors for Business, Inc. in the amount of $103,639.50


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Forte seconded that the Board approved payment to Interiors for Business, Inc. in the amount of $103,639.50.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of 2023 Tax Levy Ordinance No. 2023-2024-3


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Forte seconded that the Board approve 2023 Tax Levy Ordinance No. 2023-2024-3


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.








Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded the meeting adjourn at 7:25 P.M.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes            

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Pye                 Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.